
What would you recommend?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my friends talked me into tradeing my PS3 for a 360 so I could play with them, but, at this moment I'm regreting it like crazy. I like the 360, I mean, theres nothing wrong with it at all but I just feel like the PS3 has brighter future for it. It just seems that it's going to go on to be the better of the two if Sony can pull off what they've talked about for it's future. I'm going to have a job soon and I'm thinking thats where my money should go to. I just feel that Sonys going to have a better future than Microsoft, so, My question is, Should I stick with the 360 or Get another PS3?




  1. Get a ps3!!!! I think you should just sell the 360, tell YOUR FRIENDS to get a ps3 so you can play with them

  2. i dont know why u would trade in the ps3 and get a 360 the ps3 is great and i would never do that i would suggest buying the new 160 gb ps3 in november just wait 2 more months then u can get that 1 it will be great im not hating on the 360 it does have good games and is a good system just myself i like playstation for its free online play its great  

  3. The 360 is getting a price drop really soon, so if you can return it I would do so. Whether you want to keep the 360 is up to you, but there is no reason for you to over pay.

  4. ok the reason why ps3 is better is it has a blue ray player and new features that the xbox cant comply with so ps3 is the way to go besides xbox you have to pay to play online that sux

  5. You will be able to buy points cards for the PS3 at blockbuster and a bunch of other stores by the end of this year, definitely sooner, probably starting towards the end of this month.

  6. Well, if  you previously had a PS3 and if your friends wanted you to get a 360 so that you could play with them, all you had to do was save up money for a 360 and you could have kept your PS3.

    I think it's pretty obvious that your friends just didn't want you to have a PS3 at all because they wanted you to trade your PS3 in for a 360, and they didn't tell you to just save up for a 360.

    Anyways, I think you should save up money for the PS3 and get it because the Playstation 3 has a good future ahead of it and it's going to have a long lifecycle. Plus, by having both the PS3 and 360, you can enjoy the exclusive games on both consoles, so why not have both? This November you'll get to enjoy both Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 if you have both consoles.

  7. i would keep the 360 for now cause when the 360 came out, original XBOX games started to disappear fast because everyone was buying the 360, but they're still making many PS2 games, so i don't think PS3 will be very popular for a while.

  8. you could sell the 360 and get another PS3 since it will come with very interesting games while the 360 comes with with probably 2 exclusives

  9. Stick with both if possible.if not go with ps3 or what ever feels like.

  10. Save up and get a PS3 for Christmas.

    The 360 is going to have a more interesting array of games for this holiday. However, the PS3 has some great games coming out, too: LittleBigPlanet and Resistance 2.

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