
What would you recommend to do when visiting Dublin?

by Guest57940  |  earlier

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What would you recommend to do when visiting Dublin?




  1. A lot depends on your tastes, interests and time of year.

    My advice is to go to the National History Museum, the Parliament, Stags Head pub, Mulligans Pub, a sporting event at Croke Park or a greyhound race.

    Meet the real Dubs if at all possible then leave Dublin and see the real Ireland.

    A lot of foreigners love Killarney. Some more info on Killarney here:

  2. roll in the pretty grass

  3. wear a hat,bring an umbrella,get pissed.try not to get mugged.

  4. by heading to cork straight away.

  5. Have a look round the Guinness and Jameson's factories. Also visit Temple Bar.

  6. Go to tourist information they will help & tell you areas not to go to.Enjoy your stay...............

  7. get hideously drunk in temple bar and then rub molly malone's b*****s.... well that's what i do anyway!

  8. keep away from anyone who sounds Irish my friend tell them your looking for paddy. drink Guinness so as to not look like an outsider, to be sure, to be sure. Would you like your driveway tarmacing sir.

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