
What would you respond if someone else tease you?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know you better. So i want to know what kind of words that you will say to him/her if they tease you. Because i saw my classmates fighting and i believed it was teasing that was caused. So i want to know people what kind of expression did they make when the tease each other.

please answer this.




  1. teasing is seeing other peoples defects and using it for fun or for's up to you if you want to take it seriously or take it as only a joke...if he teases you, tease him back!! that would be fun! LOL

  2. If someone teases you too much then there's no need to pay any attention to him. When he get to knows that you don't bother about what he/she says then they will stop doing anything to you.

    If that someone is your good friend or best friend whom you can trust then theres no problem we just do it for fun.I called my best friend fatty.

    But we were such good Friends that we never mind what we say to each other because we trust each other.But don't get too over with your friend.And you tease them then they also have the right to tease you! =)

  3. eh?

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