
What would you say about Israel country?

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What would you say about Israel country?




  1. Israel is beautiful.  Its peaople are warm and friendly.  Israel is an innovator when it comes to science and medicine.  Israel is full of gifted people such as writers, artists, and performers.  It is very easy to fall in love with Israel and its people.


  3. It is simply the most amazing place on Earth,everything is butterflies and rainbows.

  4. Hi Shimmy,

    The strength of a Lion - the softness of morning dew.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  5. Israel is the best country in the world, it has friendly wonderful warm people.the best place in the middle east is Israel.Israel is great because,

    its the only true democratic country in the region, its the most advanced in technology Israel has a vibrant cultural life and a technologically and industrially advanced economy. In 2006, Israel was ranked 23rd out of 177 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index, the highest ranking in the Middle East and third highest in all of Asia.

    israel has great tourism, which benefits from the plethora of important historical sites for Judaism and Christianity and from Israel's warm climate and access to water resources. Tourism in Israel includes a rich variety of historical and religious sites in the Holy Land, as well as modern beach resorts, archaeological tourism, heritage tourism and ecotourism.

    israel has great tourist attractions which other countries in the middle east cant beat, like many great museaums Tel Aviv, Haifa, Herzliya, and Jerusalem have excellent art museums, and many towns and kibbutzim have smaller high-quality museums. The Israel Museum in Jerusalem houses the Dead Sea Scrolls along with an extensive collection of Jewish religious and folk art. The Museum of the Diaspora is located on the campus of Tel Aviv University. Israel has artist colonies in Safed, Jaffa, and Ein Hod, as well as three major repertory companies, the most famous being Habima Theater

    Israel has the highest school life expectancy in the Greater Middle East , It is ranked 22 out of 111 nations. Israel also has the highest literacy rate in the Middle East according to the UN.Israel has eight universities and several dozen colleges. According to Webometrics, of the top ten universities in the Middle East, seven out of ten are in Israel, including the top four. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is the only university in the Middle East ranked in the Webometrics premier top 200 of the world. Israel is the only country in the Middle East ( Also, Israel, out of all countries in the Middle East has the highest number of Yale University alumni.

  6. it's a small (very small) country.

    nice people

    historical places

    sea and beach

    unfortunately surrounded by enemies

    hot hot hot in the summer!!

  7. I would say leave them alone.  Let them live in peace and be amazed at how quickly they thrive.

    If allowed they could be an example to the world.

  8. Israel is the last colonial rule in the world. There is a war between the Israeli colonist and native people of the land for the last 60 years.

    To prove my point there are 2 proposed solutions to the colony: 2 states solution one for the native people and one state for the colonist and one state solution for both the native and the colonists.

    All the other descriptions of Israel is misleading disruptions of the real description.

  9. is not a good question to ask here... there are many people who hate Israel and couldn't understand this country so you will see here many negative comments...

    but i live in Israel... and except for the problem with the Arabs.. is a great place... when you are in Jerusalem.. you feel like you in your home...even if you are Muslim or Jewish or Christian... it is an amazing place... and there are in Israel many interesting landmarks that you can find only here... the people are very nice, and many kinds of different people... a lot freedom (today was g**s parade in Jerusalem) and i love to be here... the government of my country is not the best and allmost the Israeli don't want it like it is today.. but it will change...

    hope that i help you

  10. u mean the land of palastine...yeah such an amazing place..i mean thats the reason why israel stole it..

  11. Israel and her people are amazing.  I've been there--it's like nowhere else in the world.  When you're in Jerusalem it's said that even the stones talk to you.  And it's true.

  12. it is an amazing place and everyone should visit regardless of what religion. i am going next month for ten days cant wait !

  13. as a persone who lives there its really nice

  14. This question could not be any more open-ended and ambiguous.  I say Israel is a very threatened nation, crammed in a hostile area.

  15. Ever is in war...ever with conflicts, I hope someday can travel without risks.

  16. lovely

  17. What israel? what is that?

    sorry hun but theres no such thing as israel.

    Long Live Palestine!!!!!

  18. i think you mean palestine.

  19. Palestine??

  20. my beloved home

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