
What would you say about a person who gets angry every time they see certain celebrities on TV or?

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Is involved in a conversation about them?

I mean angry as in has nothing but negative things to say about them.




  1. The only thing that seems to make sense is that the person you are talking about is feeling a lot of jealousy towards these celebrities.  Some people get very envious of the money and fame of celebrities, and project negative feelings onto those people bc of it.  No matter what the reason, it is extremely unhealthy for someone to harbor such anger or resentment towards anyone, let alone someone they dont even know!

  2. I would say he/she is normal.

    We live in an era where celebrities are given the highest "social" rank amongst us, even higher than presidents, kings, queens, etc. We are taught to accept this and reinforce it by "needing" to look like them, talk like them, be "cool" like them.

    In reality, there's nothing special about an actor or an actress, besides the fact that they are able to act *really* well. I guess that counts for something, but that doesn't mean that they should be treated as the model for human behavior.

    It doesn't mean that we should look to Brad Pitt for advice on being a father, or look to George Clooney to define how to speak to women, etc.

    In short, we should not put these people on a pedestal and pay them outrageous salaries. This, understandably, is why you get angry.

    So what to do about it ... well for one, just accept that this is the way it is, and realize it's an era-thing, not humans-for-all-times kinda thing. This won't always be the case ... and in fact, in other cultures, this phenomenon does not exist. Letting go will help you get rid of this anger, especially knowing that you are unlikely to cause a radical change in the way the current society treats celebrities. At the same time realize, that they are normal people, just like everyone else, that happen to be doing the lucky thing at the right time.

    The best study of life is how it is, not how we want it to be.

  3. I'd think they needed to find a more interesting hobby to hold my interest in conversation.

  4. i'd say they have issues , unless they're watching Oprah...oh man that cow thinks shes so good , or they see ed begley telling me to drive an electric car...or they see...argh....sons of....big feelin...arrgh...

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