
What would you say/do about this?

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every time my son is watching TV he sits about 3-5 feet from the television set, we haven't gotten any reports from his teacher at school that he is having problems reading the board or anything of that sort. He says he isn't having problems seeing things but every time we walk in the room and he is watching TV he is sitting about 3-5 feet from it.

Please no stupid, idiotic remarks. This is serious and I need serious answers. I wear glasses and everyone on my side of the family also wears glasses but his dad doesn't wear them. We have an eye exam scheduled for him next month(April) but am wondering if we should get him in earlier.

Thanks everyone.




  1. It is an old wives tale that sitting too close to the tv will ruin their vision. If you are concerned about his eyesight you should try to get an ealier appointment.  Does he get headaches? I used to get a lot of headaches before I got my glasses.

  2. I believe I heard that new studies have determined that it really doesnt effect your eye sight. At least I am pretty sure I read that, however prolonged staring at a tv or computer can damage your eyes.  So our daughter is only allowed half an hour on either during the weekday and we let her have an hour of time on weekends ( unless we decide to have a family movie night)

    The rule in our house for our 6 year old is she sits on the couch or in her little armchair next to the couch, or if she wants to be on the floor it has to be right up against the couch. If she doesnt listen and moves closer the tv goes off.

    When we told her that she started listening and has since had no problems sitting too close to the tv

  3. I'd really try to get him to sit farther away from the screen before it becomes a hard habit to break. When I was younger, my vision drastically became worse after I got a computer. I'm no eye doctor, but forcing your eyes to focus on something so bright can't be good.

  4. i would first try setting him further away from the tv. try getting him his own chair or beanbag to sit on. how old is he? i think the eye exam can wait till april

  5. Reading on a computer is a foot away and most computer jobs if you notice WEAR GLASSES BUT!!!! this is because they are reading letters not viewing images.  I think he is Fine!  Multiple hours every single day on a computer reading is bad for far sight, your eyes change as you get older, thats one part of the body that always continues to grow, so you may not see change until he is an adult.  Go ask an Optometrist, they will tell you the same.

  6. I was wondering  if you happen to recieve a  note from the school nurse about the eye test that they give him at school.. and then they send home a note for you to take him to the eye doctor.... I am sure it will be alright to wait till april but if you do not feel confortable call and get an earlier appointment... my  grandaughter sits way to close to the tv and she does have eye problems and wears glasses.. and my son  did get a note sent home from the school nurse to take him to the eye doctor.. good luck to you...

  7. I think its natural for a kid his age!! He should get over it when he gets older!! Don't worry about it!!!

  8. he might not need glasses but instead is just really interested in watching the television show. But go ahead with the eye exam because you can never be sure.

    Good Luck.

  9. It could just be a habit or he might need glasses.  Kids don't know if their vision is normal since the change is so gradual.  I'd get him in earlier to check it out!

  10. Take him to a doctor and have his sight tested. If you find he's too close, turn off the TV. It's damaging to the eyes to be too close. Be sure to tell him that if he sits too close, he won't be able to see anymore and he'll never watch the show again...

  11. keep your eye appt but also, test his hearing on your own at home. it might just be a comfort zone kids seem to think if they are close to the tv no one will change his channel but talk to him from behind and see if he can hear well

  12. all children tend to sit too close to the t.v if allowed,  television is all consuming

  13. Children just enjoy sitting that close. Explain to him that sitting so close is not safe, and that if he continues to disobey he will have to sit in time out. A great tool for behavior modification is 1-2-3 Magic. When you catch him that close, tell him "That's one" and move him back. If it contues, say "that's two," and move him back. If it continues again, say "That's three, now go sit for five."  Turn off the television and send him to his room for five minutes. After the time has passed, explain that you sent him to time out in his room because he was not obeying you.

    Pretty soon, you wil not have to get past two, then one, and the bevior will modify itself so that you rarely, if ever, have to get to one.

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