
What would you say/do if he was your son?

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My fiance's brother which is 21,lives with his single mother, for about 1month and 1 week long. He has no job,doesn't pay her rent,doesn't help around the house,all he does is sleep,eat,beg her for money when he wants to do something and has no money, he made her phone bill about $280,she's behind on mortgage because she had to pay other bills that were threating to get shut off and gave him money,she won't kick him out b/c he has no where else to go,but yet when we were staying there we were in the same boat but we had a job and paid her and did stuff around the house and she had no problem saying get out . She treats my fiance's brother like he's her #1 and my fiance is tired of it and i don't blame him, it's like parents now day's like the lazy bums who suck up to their parents,when the other kid or kids do all the slave work around the house and get no respect at all. Now tell me is that right of her to do that? If my fiance's brother was your son what would you do/say to him




  1. Tough love, baby. You're outta here!

  2. i would make him my bit**

  3. I'd kick his lazy *** out the door! But I know what you mean. My husbands mother is like that. She's got 3 kids, my hubby and his sister are normal, hard working adults. Their brother was the heroine addict and coke head who Mommy supported for years. He is and always will be her #1. Unfortunately she has done the same thing with her grandkids, only 1 of the 6 matters. I have just cut her out of our lives, I don't need to set my kids up for disappointment when they figure it out.

  4. id tell you to get out too. i wouldnt want my sons sleeping with some tramp in my house even if they were paying. as for the son who doesnt do anything, he has the right to do nothing, your fiances mother had him so she needs to pay the price of taking the risk of becoming a parent and doing a bad job at raising her kids and not teaching them to be responsible. if the kid is bad, its the parents fault. 100%.

  5. here is a broom and a box of crackers...there is the door and go get to work...bed at 10 pm and out by 6 am.

  6. I'd tell him to kick rocks.

  7. The solution is simple. Get a gun and shoot the little b*****d. Problem solved.

  8. I'd say that if he doesn't start helping or get a job No phone , Internet (if he has one), ect. He should be helping , not sitting around watching people fall into debt. Shouldn't he know better ? Well anyways i hope it becomes better in Time.


  9. ok, he's 21, so he needs to grow up. i would try to teach him how to do stuff around the house and make him a kiddy chore list, and I'd give him like a dollar per chore he did each day. and then I'd make him get a job at McDonalds or something, and get him up for work every day so that he could get used to the routine like a little kid would have to do, and then if he was doing good at that and saved up his money from his dinky little job for a while because he doesn't have to buy food or pay bills, i would get him a little apartment that had cheap rent so he could start doing stuff on his own. sounds retarded but this .........guy (i was going to say kid) needs to learn how to live on his own here. obviously he never got that pic stuck in his little mind.

    hope i helped!

    oh, and this little "plan" does sound like another way to baby him, but it sounds like she's gonna do that anyway, and you can't do all that much about it. oh well. once again, hope i helped.

  10. Looks like favoritism to me. She just loves him. The real question is "What woukld you do if you had a son like this?"

  11. i would be like your over 18 you are a adult. If you want to live in my house you need to help out, pay me rent, if that means get a job so be it. I love you but other wise im going to have to kick you out.

  12. Trust me i know where your coming from my husband went through the same thing in his house the best thing that you guys did was leave. Don't even stress yourself over the situation you'll never get anywhere. If she wants to spoil the little sh** then let her he's ruining her life anyway and she seems to like it. As long as you never return there cause then your gonna get the worst of it all!

  13. I would definetly be telling him to get a job and atleast help out around the house and be working on getting out on his own. She should have never treated you fiance like that, that is favortism and is completely wrong when she's treating his brother a complete opposite way.

  14. Id tell him just because he doesn't want to make a life for himself doesn't mean I'm willing to allow him to wreck mine.

    Some people can be very intimidating and make people afraid of them, Maybe your fiance needs to step in and give little brother a good talking to . If that don't work maybe a good swift kick in the Britches will.         Mom may really need the help but is to scared deep inside to ask you never know?

  15. good to know that im not the only one passing through this. the only difference we were living with my fiance's mom but she did not kick us out. it really gets me pissed off to see that parents are not doing enough things to keep their child. I mean your brother in law might have been just lazy... but my brother in law is lazy does not go to school sleeps all day, goes out in the night and come back at 5:00 am. asks for money treats his parents as if it was vice-versa. on top of that me and my fiance were suggesting for him to go to boot-camp because he is rebellious and guess what the parents said NO!! if it was my son i will tell him we are going on a vacation and send his *** to africa and leave him over there.

  16. Kick his butt out..

  17. My husband says if it were his child he'd tell him to get out. He can come in at 10pm to bathe and sleep but he has to be out by 6am ... and no he can't eat anything. I agree.

  18. I'd have to tell him to get a job within 2 weeks to help pay the bills or find somewhere else to live.  I wouldn't mind so much if he stayed, but he'd have to help out around the house and pay his share of the bills.

  19. if he was my son, his *** would be out or he would be showing some effort to be a man. as far as you and the fience go, try to get your fience not to stress it. ( and you too for that matter) yeah it sucks, but atleast you and your fiance are doing whats right in life. let the brother-in-law learn the hard way.

  20. he has to get a job soon. the mom should stop giving him money and he will get mad and have to start working i was the same and my mom stopped giving me money and i realized i had to work and stop asking for her money,trust me that is the solution no money and no cell phone

  21. No its not right but thats just how life is some times.. my brother is just like that he's 33 and does the same they just need to kick him out

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