
What would you say if I said I had a dog and it lives outside?

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What would you say If I said I had a dog that lives outside? said dog has shelter, has a door that leads into the grage for bad weather and is in a fenced in area. The dog gets exercise and socialization and is not chained but has freedom to go where he wants.

Why is he outside, got the dog and then had a kid with allergies. Don't want to put the kid though allergy shots if can be avoided.

Don't want the kid doped up on allergy medicine all the time

Maybe a grandparent or parent moved in when the dog was 4 months old and the dog is too strong and could knock them over

I don't have a outdoor dog but if I did and this was the case would you say I'm a bad owner and shouldn't have the dog?

If so you are saying that many good pet owners out there are bad owners and should not have a dog. If so you are saying that 3 of my close relatives are bad owners.

I'm asking this in response to a few questions I've seen. I believe just because a dog is outside doesn't make the owner bad. They are doing what is necisarry in a lot of cases.

What do you really believe?




  1. The conditions don't sound horrible, but I bet the dog doesn't get as much attention as it would inside. I'd be willing to bet the dog has a boring, lonely life as compared to a working dog who lives outside. A 4-month-old dog deserves a better life than being in a fenced in area alone all day. A larged fenced in area can be as bad as a cage when the dog just sits there by itself. Granted the situation could be worse if the dog were chained with absolutely minimal care, but the dog is most likely still neglected and deserves better. I know of very few non-working outside dogs who aren't neglected in some way or another.

  2. I would say that it depends on the breed...are they capable of handling weather extremes?  Do you live in a place where it gets extremely hot or extremely cold?  

    That would be my question to anyone who has an outdoor dog.

    As long as the dog has adequate shelter, adequate food/water, adequate room to run and be a dog, and as long as the dog is the proper breed for outdoor living...why not?

    My Rough Collie lives indoors, but that is my choice.  My grandparents, on both sides, always had Collies and they were outdoor farm dogs and they were friendly, happy and healthy!

  3. I just don't understand the point of having a dog if it's just a lawn ornament.

  4. I, myself would not have a dog and make it live outside. Dogs are pack animals.  You, can do what you want.

  5. well i would say: DON'T DO IT!!!! I'm sure its not the right thing for the dog... it's just sad.

  6. We have a huge basset mix that won't come inside, he loves the outdoors. We've always had outside dogs and some inside dogs... I wouldn't say anything about you. As long as the dog has food and water, shelter from the heat and cold...I'd say you're just fine.

    Ignore anyone who claims you're not a good pet owner, if you aren't a good pet owner, neither am I...and trust me, my dog is treated better than most people's children!

  7. If the dog is of a breed that Can handle being outside all the time is played with, walked and provided for there should be ne problem.  for example husky dog are better outside as they get to warm inside they are breed to be in the Arctic  

  8. Poor dog.

  9. well,not all dog owners who do this are bad.if this can be avoided then avoid this happening to your is so much better having the dog living with you in the house as a family member.If I were allergic to my sister,my mom wouldn't put her outside and make her live there.And if my grandparents started living with me, I wouldn't have a big dog if I knew that they would be or if there was a bit of a chance of it happening.I would get a small dog.If you really are hooked on the lab at your local animal shelter and you must have him outside,it's okay.but he isn't going to get that much affection a dog gets if he or she lived inside cuz the inside dog is around you more so his or her puppy eyes will get to you more meaning that you'll cuddle with him or her more.thats just my opinion.

  10. I say as long as the dog gets attention and affection and proper exercise, it's not a problem. I've seen it work. I had 2 Giant Alaskan Malamutes, one that loved it in the house, another who didn't. He would get too warm. We had a great big doghouse out there and the dogs had a huge kennel with their own dogdoors into the house. This way, he was where he wanted to be. He would come visit, but go back outside. I would have loved him to come in more, but it got me outside more to run and play with him.  

  11. I think it would depend on the dog and the situation. I know of one dog that actually did better. He was part wolf, he had a wonderful warm dog house. Was still allowed in the home. Had a great diet and was loved as much as any dog could be. The dog was just happier outside. If the dog has a short coat, or is small, I don't think it is a good idea. Me personally I wouldn't want a dog that wanted to be outside, I want my dog with me and inside. I just don't think you can say all dogs should be in the house. I think there are some situations that would not fit that.  

  12. I would say, "great", most of my dogs live outside too and so do those of most everyone I know!!

  13. Well dogs are pack animals, so it is easy to see where people come from.  If I made my dog an outside dog, i would spend pretty much all of my day with the dog outside (not like I don't do that now).  I dunno, I think the image of a dog being all by itself is bothering people.  I would never do it, it doesn't make you a bad person, but I would put it this way, why have the dog if you know the dog could get to live at a home where the dog would be both an inside and outside dog.

  14. I don't see why it's a problem. Dogs were wild before we domesticated them. If they are given shelter then they're not likely to perish of bad weather and whatnot. One of my dogs would actually prefer to stay out 24/7 but we drag her in each night.  

  15. I would say good for, you don't need all those excuses though.

    My dogs live outside because it is my choice.

    My yard ornaments have a good life and they deter nasty visitors and I think they enjoy it.

  16. As long as the dog has food and water daily, has a place to go to get comfy and sleep and keep warm or cool in what ever climate, then its fine.  I dont really believe in people chaining their dogs, so as long as it can run around with plenty of toys..... Then thats ok :)

  17. Your question is clearly rhetorical. Be satisfied that each of you feels you are correct so why worry about trying to sway someone to your side of the issue?

  18. I would say - you can choose to do whatever you want with your dogs.

    My dog would LOVE to live outside... absolutely love it.  Unfortunately, I live in an area where she would most likely get stolen if I left her outside, so that isn't really an option.  If I had different living arrangements, she would live outside.

  19. dogs are naturally outside animals, there is nothing wrong with leaving a dog outside

    if it has a supply of food, water, shelter and regular petting then it will be fine

  20.     From my experience with my neighbors and a friend who all had or have outside dogs they live a sad lonely exsistence. That being said there are some dogs that must live outside such as LGD or farm dogs BUT these dogs have people around most of the day or are loners types to start with. The dogs I have known suffer, the next door neighbor's dog has a privacy fence so can not even touch noses with my dogs as she used to, doesn't go inside but has a door to a room and I haven't heard anyone playing with her in many months. The dog across the street was chained out no shelter even during the hurricanes in 2004, he was teased by brats, bit several times and was put to sleep. I knew a guy who had 5 acres including a 1 acre dog pen with a small barn, the 2 dogs had plenty of exercise but no contact with people. They were both neutered and UTD but the male was bitten by a snake and lost 30lbs b4 his owner noticed. Since he was dirty, sick and dying he wasn't allowed in the car he didn't get vet care until too late, the female was rehomed. There are plenty of allergy meds that do not cause sleepiness, frequent grooming, baths and not sleeping in the kids' room does a lot to avoid allergies. I have allergies and own 6 dogs plus fosters. I sneeze alot and have runny eyes but so what? BTW, I had to go thru allergy shots when I was a kid and I lived thru that as well. Dogs are social pack animals and belong in the home in most cases. Ouside dogs are neglected in vet care, groomong, flea care, training and rarely go anywhere. We have a local dog park 5 mins away but my neighbors are too busy to drive the poor dog there for an hour or 2 a week for her to play. I just adopted an outside dog who is very thin, missing hair and has many sores. He is fine inside, he immediately settled right in with my other male Dobe and 5 MinPins. He is well behaved, obedient and a terrific housedog. He was an outside neglected dog but no more.

  21. I would say you aren't a bad owner. As long as someone regularly come and feeds, groom and play with the dog, its ok. But hes shouldn't be able to go wherever he wants because dogs are not like cats and alot of them cant find they re way home. So if it is kept in a yard then th dog should be just fine.  

  22. When I was growing up we always had dogs.  They ALWAYS stayed outside - never once set so much as a paw in the house.  My dad had a dairy and for the most part the dogs were free to roam about as they pleased.  They got plenty of exercise chasing the cows, and had a doghouse plus many other shelters around the farm.  And they were all happy, well behaved dogs.  My 6 siblings and I loved going outside and playing with the dogs; that was our reward for having our chores done.   We did have one dog that had a little roaming problem, but a visit to the vet took care of that pretty well.  So, depending on the situation, dogs will do fine outside.  People shouldn't get dogs and just leave them out there to rot though.

  23. if your providing your dog with the right kind of shelter and clean water good food and lots of love. and if the dogs happy then i dont see a problem. owners who neglect there dogs and leave them out side wo upkeep or socialization are bad owners but if your taking care of him then its all good.

  24. I would say I hope your dog gets all the loving, attention and exercise he needs.  And as long as he's not out in blistering heat or freezing cold, do what works for you.

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