
What would you say if I said this?

by  |  earlier

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You are loved,

Beyond reasoning or understanding.

You were held hostage

By an enemy who sought to destroy you.

You were in the center of a mine field,

Treading ever so lightly.

Yet still your life dangled over open flames.

You were allowed no visits.

Your cell was locked.

No mail from home.

No food to eat,

Nothing to quench your thirst.

You thought , it was over.

That you were forgotten.

That hope and faith,

Were just fancy words with no value.

You thought you'd need an army

To free you from that cell.

But you were saved by a dove.




  1. Amazing and wonderful.  I wonder if you would mind if I would pass this on to someone who is struggling and lost?  This suits the situation perfectly.  You are a master of words.

  2. I think that you did a great job in pointing out how something so small (as a mine) can be so destructive...

    and how something just as small (as a dove) can be a savior which can clear a mind of large problems.

    a very good poem

  3. That was really pretty!

    I loved it!

  4. I would say you're watching too mcuh CNN and drinking too much Gatorade.

  5. "Hi!"

    Very well said.

    seal it, stamp it and send it to the president.

    Well Done!

    Cheers : )

  6. Get the megaphone out and shout!  Well said.  War should only be the very last resort.

  7. It is horrible (imprisonment & hopelessness) and it is beautiful (loved & saved).  It is powerful.

    At face value it appears to be about a POW who is released from his prison by a nurse or similar type person, or is released as the result of a peace treaty (dove of peace?) or is released from his prison by his death and the dove is the gift of love from Christ.

    It could also be about a child who is imprisoned in horrible ways...the prison/cell can represent so many things, it could be about anyone at anytime during a period of suffering.  The dove is a representation of Christ's/God's love that releases the sufferer from their prison.

    It is a very thought provoking and emotional poem.

  8. that is really good.

    i love the last two lines.

    is it about the war?

  9. I would think you are writing inspirationally again, great job.

  10. Take me!

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