
What would you say if I told you that you are a bad parent?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes people say this to others. How should they reply?




  1. Then i'd say evil does what evil says.

  2. turn it back on them and ask why they would say such a thing.  

  3. Would all depend on what i was doing when you told me. Good and parenting is a matter of opinion in most cases, and if you were just someone walking down the street and caught my child and I in a bad moment I would tell you to mind your own business because you arent even seeing a fraction of my parenting. If you were a close friend or family member i would reflect on my past parenting and see what I can do to improve on it because chances are you've seen me in action and have a reason to bring it up.

  4. my new wifes brother tells me this all the time...we yell back and forth and take a few swings at each other  

  5. Hi,

    I would tell them to ask my children.

  6. depends if i wasn't doing nothing id smack u upside the head

  7. I would tell you that if you think you can do a better job, then you'd better hop to it!

  8. I would tell them to worry about their children and I will worry about mine.

  9. I would say "You may be right, but it's none of your business." You could stick an expletive in there if you felt the need.

  10. It would depend on who you are and your relationship with my family.  It would also depend on your own experience as a parent.  While it may not be my business as such, if your child and your family interacts with me and mine, then it does become my business.  If you are my child and your children are my grandchildren, it is my business.  Parenting is hard.  Parents who do not ask for advice or help are foolish, arrogant and usually selfish.

  11. It would be gut wrenching !  Because i guess we all plod

    along thinking we are doing great or our best.

    Though as the darlings grow up, they shore show our

    fallacies and unfortunately can stand out like sore thumbs.

    No, no one is perfect , but more need time

    out and look at why this was pointed out to you, was it

    justified in some way ? ....what can you do to improve that

    important point ?!  ... I think we need to take it on the chin


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