
What would you say if this happened to your child?

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My French teacher's instructions on a test were unclear and so she said half the class failed. She read off the names of people who didn't follow, and the questions were worth about 5 points each, so it was obvious who passed, who didn't.

We started whispering quiety and she yelled at us, giving us an F on the section sheet. She said that we're not smart for a Magnet class. She expects us to be perfect.

I was crying and some of my friends and she forbid my classmates to comfort one another.

Then, in homeroom, My homeroom teacher tells us to write an apology note and an essay for our bad grade and she didn't even hear the full story. Everyone was really crying and p-oed.

If you were a parent, what would you say to the teacher if your child was treated this way? If they were told they weren't smart? If sixth-grade Magnet kids were expected to be perfect? If their whispering was used to become a crime and reduce them to tears?




  1. I wouldn't say anything.  They were in CLASS not on the playground.  In class they are supposed to be paying attention to the TEACHER no whispering to one another.  It was your child's own fault she was "reduced to tears" by not following the class rules.  It is your fault for not teaching your child to respect her teachers and to follow the class rules.

  2. I (as a parent) would go to the pricnpal's office and tell him the story. I would also let him/her know that I didn't like the way my child was talked to, and if the teacher wasn't talked to or do something about the way my child and her classmates was treated I would take it to the teacher's board and I would make sure that person NEVER teachers again.

  3. i'lll ask the teacher to have better speech and don't yell at the kids it's not their fault ... but be the mature adult and talk like a mature adult..

  4. get all the kids to write their side of the story. Have them give the paper to their parents and all parents go to principal all at same time and give him the papers and state if this does not stop within 5 days they will take it to the superintendent.

  5. Go to the principal with a solution. Don't go and expect him to come up with a solution on the spot. Tell him, what you want, and be confident and firm about it, but not bitchy. Inform him that it is critical that children have a good self-esteem in the teenage years, and even preteens, so it is important that teachers raise the self-esteem as much as they can, and that teacher complete degraded all of those children. Let him know how you feel about the situation. It's obviously the teachers fault for that many children failing, and also crying. They would probably love a second chance, or to make it up. And bad teaching should not affect your child's learning. Let him know that you don't want someone like that to teach your child, becuase all she seems to be learning is that she's not very good at frnehc, and that she's not allowed to cry and provide comfort/seek comfort from peers. That teacher disgusts me, and you should get her fired. All of the children should state their opinions as well. And have them write what happened, but seperately, so that thy don't use the same words, or exagerrate things. All of the parents should go at different times, because if they all go in at the same time, the principal will think they cooked it up. They should be spread out over two days, different times, and such. And she is NOT allowed to say that you are not smart! THAT is something that I would DEFINATELY bring up to the principal. Or even the board of education. Threaten to switch schools and tell all of your friends about it. Word of mouth gets around quicker than any other form of advertisement, and that's the last thing that they want. What parents would send their child to that school if they heard about this situation. I could go on forever bout it, but I'm not going to, I'm very opinionated..

  6. speak to your parents then speak to your principle about this matter

  7. My god. Your a little baby. Get over it its one test. One bad grade, one apology note, one essay. Boo hoo.

  8. you should have the kids get together and tell their side to the principle or a teacher that will understand the situation.

  9. It is now illegal for a teacher to tell a student's grades to the rest of the class.  On top of that, if this many people failed, it isn't the students fault, it is now the teacher's fault.  All of this needs to be brought up to the prinicpal and superintendant, preferably with the backing of the principal b/c it helps to have him backing you.

  10. you should bring this to the principal and as the person below me said have all the kids share their story

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