
What would you say if you were being chased by alien zombies with chainsaws....?

by  |  earlier

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You are on a dark towering cliff, and a rickety old bridge is your only escape. You're with a small group, and when the first person walks on the bridge it collapses. You look back and see the chainsaw wielding zombie aliens running at you... and you say ____.

Also, if you had to describe the situation as being "made out of" something, what would it be...




  1. "You look back and see the chainsaw wielding zombie aliens running at you... and you say...."   "f *ck" (which is my favorite word lol) but what those chainsaw weilding alien zombies dont know is:..... im secretly a machine gun weilding psycho path!!! MUAHAHAHAHA! DIIIIIIE ZOMBIES....DIIIIIIIIE!!!  >=D *machine gun noise* AHH-HAHAHA!!!!  EAT MY AMMO B*TCHES!!!!! *attatches blow tortch* Hope you like your zombies "extra crispy!" ^__^ *whoosh*  ...... O.O ....*head scratch*

  2. I would trip each member of the group one by one and let the zombies eat them first so I would have more time to think.

  3. i will try to fight them or just hide behind of big stone or tree  i will say OM GOSH lot's of times

    and what you would do?

    answer pls;...

  4. wake up and stop dreamin'

  5. "Holy shishkebabs!" I think I would actually jump... an instant death would be better than a slow painful one.

  6. Mummmmmmyyyy.!!

  7. "Braaaiiiins" and hope they mistake me for one of them.

  8. I'd say --

    Wassup, doc?


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