
What would you say if your husband straight out told you his mom was a better cook than you?

by Guest56604  |  earlier

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He also tells me that, "That was okay, but do -this or this- next time" (Like, seasoning differently or cooking his sunny-side up eggs longer so they aren't "snotty".) He doesn't understand that these comments are really hurtful and rude, especially towards his wife. Also, if we stay with one of his female family members he talks about how he's looking forward to them cooking breakfast because everyone on his moms side "Cooks sooo good" but when I cook breakfast he either says he's sick or not hungry 9/10. Everyone else says I'm a good cook, and not to toot my own horn, so to speak, but I do, too.. but obviously his mother is better, considering she's been cooking for 30+ years and I'm only 26.




  1. What could you say it's the truth maybe you should go over and help her cook and learn her techniques also i wonder who is better in the sack you or his mom guess you could ask  his daddy to be the judge on that.

  2. Well, you gotta consider that he has been eating his mothers cooking alot longer than yours.He knows what and how he likes his food so why don't can't you just accept that and don't take such offense.Start watching food network & slowly introduce him to different kinds of cooking.I'm sure you are a good cook and over time he will see that&there will be certain meals that only you can make that he will love.

  3. I would tell him to have his mommy cook for him.  Then I would refuse to cook for him.

  4. His mom was a GREAT cook. I consider myself a great cook as well, but I like to cook different things than she did. I wouldn't be insulted if my husband told me he liked the way his mom cooked it better than me. In fact, he's told me before - it's not the way mom did it. Next time I cook that dish I try to figure out what she did so I can cook it how my husband likes.

  5. Stop cooking for him...tell him since he has such issues with you cooking , he'll hafta eat at Mom's every night...

    My dad was the only boy and catered to by his mother...if he didn;t like what she was serving, she would cook him something else...she never served what he didn;t like, which p.o'd his sisters.

    he thought he could pull it with my Mom...the first time he did he told her (and my mom is a good cook) that he couldn't eat it. She got up, took his plate, gave it to their, down sat down and resumed eating. he was flabbergasted and asked wasn't she gonna make him something else..she said no, she had made him dinner and he wouldn't eat it...she wasn;t a restaurant so he eats what she makes or he doesn't, but she only makes one type of dinner each meal, not a pick & choose buffet. After that, my father

    edit: my late MIL 'cooked' outta cans but she was a windowed mother who had to work...I love to cook from scratch I find it relaxing even when I worked fulltime, needless to say I'm always yelling at the hubby NOT to eat too much (he's diabetic)....and I'm talking the diabetic meals I fix, ......he says it tastes too good to stop...

  6. Well....I do all the cooking in the house you see. So every night I'd come home and make dinner. On the weekends I would go all out and do gourmet dishes. The wife began to get critical and not in a constructive way. Make faces...put the fork down and wave off the food...which everyone else seemed to enjoy immensely. So I stopped cooking for her. When she'd say "What's for dinner tonight?" I'd tell her "We'll I know what I'm having. I haven't a clue as to what you are". She lasted one week before she broke down in tears. And being the prick I am I made her cook her own meals for an additional 5 days before I started again. Hey...guess what? She stopped her chickenshit ways.

    So ask Mom for a couple of her recipes. And after you've served them up and he still complains, drop a bag of McDonald's hamburgers in front of him and light a couple of candles.

    Bon Appetit!  

  7. I was in the same situation.  

    Ask mother in law for her recipes and stop taking it so personally, or else have hubby start doing or helping with some of the cooking.  We all grow up in different homes with different people cooking for us, so we all have different tastes. Maybe if you both cook together, you can develop something that you can both agree on.  

    My husband used to complain all the time that something was "not like Mom" used to make.  I asked her for her recipes to his favorites and started making them, (using her ingredients but still using my own cooking style for the most part).  I let him come into the kitchen and start doctoring recipes his way (the way he thinks Mom used to make).  We made a few mistakes, but came up with some really good tasting food, and he learned to realize that his mother really isn't all that great of a cook, after all (except for her pastries).

    After 16 years of marriage, hubby also does more of the cooking than I do, because as it turns out, he actually likes to cook and is a better cook than I am, in spite of the fact that my friends and family have always told me what a great cook I am.  I don't take it personally, and I'm glad my husband found yet another talent.

  8. If my husband said that to me, I dont think I would care because I know that I cant cook. Of course his mother is going to be better than you because shes been doing it for years. Tell your husband to s***w off and if he doesnt like it then he can cook his own c**p

  9. Well,if your mom was such a great cook,she probably showed you how,so do it yourself jerk.

  10. I think all men always have a certain comfort level with the foods (and cooking) they grew up with. As a cook myself I know how much it sucks when you feel you arent pleasing someone with your food. I wouuldnt take it personally and maybe try and cook together and have him show you what he likes and doesnt like. It takes awhile to figure out your husbands preferances in food...

  11. well dont feel bad my husband told me the same well kinda.. all you have to do is let him know " im not your mother, i cant cook like her, i can try to be similar because i love you, but if you want someone to cook exactly like her you shouldnt have married me" it worked for me hun... good luck  

  12. I bet if you stop making him dinner he will stop complaining.  From now on tell him that you aren't going to cook for him anymore because you don't want to disappoint him.  He'll either come around or he will die of starvation.  Either way, problem solved.

  13. Men are very particular about food, especially if their mothers cook it. My wife can not cook as well as my mum, and she ended up going to culinary school to learn how to cook on her own. Now i'm happy, healthy and my mum is happy too.

  14. I would agree. Why would cooking be the only thing I care about. I am pretty sure you are not the best at alot of things. its just a fact and that goes for everyone.  Maybe you need to learn that you are not as perfect as you think you are. And no one that is okay!

  15. I think that's rude, at least your cooking, he's probably just use to eating his mothers cooking though. But if he keeps it up, go in the kitchen grab a frying pan and say if you can do any better help yourself. That would drive me nuts to keep hearing that about my cooking. He's being disrespectful to you by doing that. And if he doesn't like your cooking he can always do take-out. Good Luck and I'm sure you cook just fine.

  16. "Good.  Then I guess I don't need to waste my time."

  17. Tell him to cook for himself or go have his mommy cook for him. He is being very rude.  

  18. tell him to go live w/his mother

  19. tell him to go back to mama's~ the VERY first time i cooked spaghetti for my bf (hubby now) he said that his moms sauce was thicker, so i asked him if it tasted good, and he said yeah it's ok.  so i got up took his plate and threw the food plate and all in the garbage, then i turned and looked at him and said that if you don't like my cooking go home to your mom's.  

    we've been married for over 16 years and to this day he has never said one word about my food.

    (p.s. i'm a very good cook)

  20. dont let it hurt your feelings.  some people are just particular to the things they grew up with . nobody makes breakfast like my daddy no matter how good of a cook they are think of it that way . our probably a really good cook but its just different and its true that if you don't  cook at all there is nothing for him to complain about and eventually he'll get hungry .

    have you tried to just tell him that it hurts your feelings?  

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