
What would you say is a suitable amount of time for children to spend reading each day?

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What would you say is a suitable amount of time for children to spend reading each day?




  1. I think it depends on their ages. My older three read for at least an hour a day and that's not forced. They enjoy it because they are allowed to pick books they want. Our school sends home a paper for them to list the books they read over the summer but they are allowed to pick which books they read. My youngest doesn't like to read. He has a learning disability and so it's harder for him. He's 8 and he reads for 30 minutes a day at home and when school is in session he reads a lot there because he goes daily with the reading specialist for extra help.

    I think as long as kids are reading every day then the amount of time is less important.

  2. If they don't want to and you are trying to set a time, I'd say an hour in the summer when school is out, and 30 minutes when school is in session (and be flexible based on what homework and reading they have for school).  Maybe 30 minutes on weekend days, even in the summer.  If your child wants to read and you are checking too see if they are reading too much, let them read as long as they want, it's better than tv and video games, just make sure then spend time being active and using energy.  If you are having trouble getting your kids to read, try rewarding them, like they get a half hour of tv or video games for each 15 minutes they read (or something similar).  I never read as a child, not even when it was homework, and I regret now not having been pushed to read when i was younger, even just once or twice a week.  I'm in college now, and am the slowest reading ever.  My reading level is probably still one of a freshman or sophomore in high school.  I know my kids will be reading everyday. they won't like it when they are young but they will appreciate it later.

  3. depending on their age anywhere from 10-60 mintues ( from ages 4-12)  

  4. 27 hours everyday, no eating, drinking or sleeping, and no picture books, all books have to be at least 10,000 pages long

  5. 13 to 14 hours  

  6. Even 10 minutes is very beneficial for children in primary years. In the intermediate years, 20 minutes to a half hour is plenty.

  7. My 6-year-old and I read together for a half an hour every night before she goes to bed.

  8. About an hour a day when school's not in session sounds right. What I'm not a big fan of are the summer reading lists the schools send home with the kids. I'd rather have my daughter trying out a large variety of writing and picking the types of books that appeal to her. The required reading is taking the fun out of it for her.

  9. I'm not even going to show you any official research result links because EVERYONE has a different opinion and there are SO many studies out there.  I have two girls and (6 & 4).  My 6 year old does her little bit of homework at night (15-20 mins) and at bedtime every night ( especially during the school season), they each pick out a book for me to read to them.  then I have my 6 year old read 1 short book (either the handmade ones they bring home from class or the stage appropriate soft cover ones).  I don't want to push it too hard because it is still very fun for them and I don't want to mess anything up.  

  10. I say as much as they want. Of course you want them to get outside for fresh air and interact with other kids, but if they enjoy reading, let them. They will do better in english in school. Their vocabulary will be very good. It's alot better than your kids watching tv all day.  

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