
What would you say is more fulfilling; flying a helicopter or flying an airplane?

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What would you say is more fulfilling; flying a helicopter or flying an airplane?




  1. It's basically the pilot's choice.  I used to fly both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft and there are special skills involved in flying either.  I found the helicopter more challenging as you use both feet, both hands and your fingers all at the same time (under combat conditions).  Helicopters can be a bit frustrating due to their slower speed but they are a real joy when you have complete control and enjoy what you are doing.

  2. both but helicopter pilots are in more demand so if your looking for a high paying job they both are but there are more openings for helicopter pilots.

  3. Well, that's something ultimatly you will have to find out form experience.

    I will say as a Helicopter pilot, helicopters are safer, unfortuanatly slower, and you can land virtually wherever. I have landed on peaks, in holes along the river, hovered mid air, you can fly sideways, backwards, and don't need any runway to land. simply a spot.

    When it comes to power failures, I feel safer in a helo, a helo can be landed in a very small grassy patch inbetween trees, but a airplane will require some distance. Ultimatly you need to find out what you like better.

    I have been told, it is harder to switch piloting from fixed wing to helicpoter, than vise versa. Give it a try, I think you'll love the helicopter!


  4. Hi, in my view, helicopters are cool. I have flown in many planes as a passenger, from a 2 or 4 seat Cessena or ultralight to a 767 Jet. I have taken a few sightseeing tours by helicopter....the sensation of movement thru the air is way different. Hovering, staying in one place while taking pictures, or flying sideways is really cool to experience. Even taking off and landing is cool.....straight up or straight down.  Go for a ride in a helicopter......i wish i was smart enuf to learn how to fly one, it looks like it would be a blast!!!

  5. Any day aircrafts.

    They take you higher and faster.

    The thrill is also much more.

  6. The helicopter requires a much higher skill level...but each is fun!

  7. Both helicopters and airplanes are equally challenging and fulfilling, but they are different and they each have different capabilities. It really depends on which one is more fun for YOU. If you are thinking about learning to fly, take a lesson or two in each before you decide, and don't forget that you can always do both.

  8. i would choose an airplane.helicopters are designed to support troops in a war but aircrafts are made to thing more is fighter jets can do speeds exceeding mach 2.

  9. No a helicopter is no more difficult or artful to fly than an airplane. They simply require different techniques. I have thousands of hours in both but when I really want to test my skills, I fly competition sailplanes.

  10. First of all i have flown both the things that is fixed wing and rotary and i have come to the conclusion that the common phrase which is old said is 100% true and it says that " to fly an aircraft  is a science and to fly a helicopter is an art "

    so this is what it is so if you just do the checks and monitor the limits the aircraft will be air borne but to get the helicopter in air you have to work for every second  to conclude it i will just say that hele is more demanding then the aircraft.

  11. for m its flying in an airplane of course :)

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