
What would you say is the best feeling and worst feeling in the world?

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In my opinion, I'd say the worst feeling is feeling stupid/guilty.

The best feeling in the world? Knowing someone loves you unconditionally... and you love them the same back.

What are your opinions?




  1. The best feeling is holding your baby for the first time and feeling that wave of love go through you and stay in every crook of your soul

    The worst is hearing someone you are so close to is gone- the feeling of sheer panic and despair that comes with it, knowing you will never touch them, hug them , speak to them or even see their total beauty again

  2. best: success, sense of direction, love

    worse: fear of failure, failing, love-lost.

  3. Worst feeling-rejection

    Best feeling-unconditional love.

  4. mutual love is the best

    loving someone that doesnt love you back is the worst  

  5. best feeling is giving birth to a little you

    the worst feeling is death

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