
What would you say is the most significant event from the 1945-1970's?

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The cold war and Mcarthyism, to Eisenhower, to the assination of Kennedy, to Reaganomics.




  1. The assassination of Kennedy. This event changed America.

  2. man steps on moon


    nuclear bomb


    Thursday 30:1969

    The Beatles' last public performance, on the roof of Apple Records. The impromptu concert was broken up by the police.

  3. I can see people saying Nam, and that probably would be the case if it were just American History, but I'd have to go with the Berlin wall going up and the "Iron Curtain" being cast over Europe and with ensuing fallout in China, and Cuba.....the Iron Curtain 'round the world

  4. the break-up of comedy team Martin and Lewis.

  5. The Vietnam Conflict (war) for both political and cultural reasons.

  6. My birth.

  7. Without a doubt the Vietnam War and the Korean War. They highlight the turmoil between the forces of communism and democracy.

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