
What would you say is the significance of marriage?

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What would you say is the significance of marriage?




  1. Marriage is the recognition of the purpose of two peoples' lives together.

    It is bigger than personal vows. It is God's will being recognized.

  2. love and sacrifice

  3. Marriage is a verbal and written contract between two people. It is meant  to give both parties a peace of mind knowing that the other has promised their loyalty to each other.

    The reason this is important is for two reasons. One it assures the man that all children the woman has is his. Also this assures the woman that the man is responsible for her children only and won't have to support other children then her own.

    One other factor that gets over looked.

    Humans by nature are beings who need other humans. As we get older it is a comfort that we will grow old with the same person. This doesn't always happen but it does give peace of mind as the couple head out to establish a home and a life as a family. the idea that they will be together through thick and thin is very reassuring in times of uncertainly.

  4. Marriage is an artificial construct of religion, which formalized a pair-bond to hold people accountable for offspring. There is no basis for the concept of marriage in nature, though there is pair-bonding in some species.The churches found they could make money off marriage, so there it is. Later, the state decided to jump on the money band wagon by charging license fees. The only benefit is legal when one spouse dies, the other inherits the estate, but the state still gets their cut from probating the estate.

  5. Since you're asking in R&S I'm throwing God in.

    God instituted marriage between husband and wife as a way to share love, meet sexual needs, and procreate. Marriage is intended to be one man and one woman faithful to each other until one dies. Problems with premarital and extramarital s*x are heartache; the making and breaking of an emotional, physical, and sexual bond; sneaking around; unwanted pregnancy and possibly abortion; others gossiping about it; STDS, STIs, and HIV/AIDS. Nowadays, with so many people having s*x outside of marriage, what are the odds people *won't* inadvertently have s*x with their siblings? God created marriage as a way to honor Him and protect people.

  6. Fitting in with societal norms.

  7. There are two independent aspects.

    First, there is legal marriage. The law provides a rather large group of special privileges and responsibilities to married couples, having to do with inheritance, illness, child care, taxes, and lots of other things.

    Second, there is the personal "contract" between the two members of each individual couple. These contracts are as diverse as people are, and each one is special.

    Churches like to horn in on both aspects of marriage, and some people (but not all) are willing to let them do so.

  8. Legal and emotional bondage.

  9. Excepting what you can not change and changing what your spouse will not except also having the understanding to go through the process because it never ends till your marriage dose. unless the two of you become one

  10. Trust and love!  Bonding two as one.  Companionship.

    A relationship that is built on trust and love will last a lifetime.

    But the most important of all is bonding this relationship with God.

    This will see you through all the hardships and pain two people will go through in their lifetime.

    My husband and I have been married for twenty- five years and I know that we will be, till death do us part!  It is because of God that our marriage will last and our love; an eternity.

  11. I guess the main purpose must be so we each know to whom we are related as the generations continue, else we could end up breeding with someone too closely related.

  12. It is a covenant between a man and woman, to love and care for each other, to bring children into the world and to raise them to adulthood, to be faithful to one another throughout all trials and suffering, to stand firm with each other, to respect one another.

  13. It's a fundamental right which should also be available to law-abiding, taxpaying, g*y Americans.  We should have the right to marry the person we love, the person of our choice and protect our families.  Those choosing the heterosexual lifestyle should not have special rights (like marriage) based on whom they sleep with.

  14. It's losing its significance.

    Just look at the high divorce rates.

    It has you wondering what the h**l some people were thinking marrying someone that they werent gonna last with.

    You might as well pop kids out without a spouse cuz that's becoming the norm.

  15. Becoming one flesh.  Being fruitful and multiplying.

  16. The "family" is God's design.  It begins with marriage.

  17. Marriage is the legal process of attaching a man's wallet to a woman's offspring.

    Humans a wonderfully adaptable.  But our training takes time & money.

    Women generally put in the time.   Marriage is a promise that Men will put in the money.

  18. I would agree with the orignal answer, but also add PHYSICAL bondage as well.  I'm just kinky that way!

  19. was married to my high school sweety for 23 yrs..had 3 a divorce several yrs ago..never got married again...i still have no idea the significance of what happened to me with the exception of 3 great kids...and a wife that loved money and material things above love and s*x..

  20. Whatever the vows were. If there were no vows, then it is not significant.

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