
What would you say is your most ethical Subject / Topic to talk about?...?

by  |  earlier

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If you were in a room, (Like in a meeting), and there was an open debate on Ethics, what subjects would you like to bring up?, Can you Name your top 5, maybe, and doesn't necessery have to be in any Particulary order, (example Abortion, Euthanasia, Clonning, I.V.F. (Embryo Hybrid), G.M.Crops, etc, etc, etc), any subject that you feel Strongly about...

Also and just wondering, what morals do you live by, (example :- Buying or giving CIGARETTES for under 18's, and buying or giving ALCOHOL to under 21's, or even having underage s*x, etc, etc, etc)... Thank You all for your time...




  1. Abortion would be the big one for me. That, in my mind, is the issue that gets the least rational discussion since both political parties use it to rally their supporters. I'd like to bring up the issue of partial-birth abortion and see if we can actually get some rational discussion on it without having people say like "oh, if you're against any form of abortion you must be against women's rights."

    I personally avoid any involvement with cigarettes, alcohol, or s*x, because there is a danger of addiction and I don't think a person should need those things to be happy. But I also think our country's age laws about these things are a little bit silly. For alcohol in particular--we can drive a car, we can vote in elections, we can pay taxes, and we can fight in a war--but we can't buy alcohol for another three years? That makes no sense to me.

  2. Ones that erk me and when I see them i tend to cringe at are issues like

    1. Religion vs atheism/scientology

    2. Abortion

    3. Criminal Justice (death penalty)

    4. Underage s*x

    5. War

    There's such a separation in opinion on most of these issues it's crazy...and the left or right side of each both have real valid points, so when I see people fight for the sake of one choice I see at as almost impossible a subject to solve.

    Morals I live kind of a broad statement, I kinda agree with the person who argued the drinking age, because it is ridiculous you get all these privileges but can't drink after only argument would be that 18 we for some d**n reason can't handle our alchohol responsibly like the folks in germany or england (h**l they smoke WEED safely and openly there.......i wonder what their DUI or death toll from alchohol related situations is...if it's less we're doing something SERIOUSLY wrong here.)

    Then  underage s*x is just horrible, there HAS to be an emphasis on the fact that s*x is a RESPONSIBILITY not a d**n toy...but when tv n all that keeps showing sexuality and s*x as something to embrace as a culture and 'it's okay everybody does it'  without showing them the consequences and issues behind the great joys of s*x you have kids out there goin at it and then getting hit with the pregnancies and stds and then it spills into abortion issues and pedophile cases and the list goes on.  

    But that's like the gist of it really.

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