
What would you say or do to Ann Coulter if you had the chance?

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We all Hate her so what would you say to her




  1. Are you cut or uncut?

  2. Ignore her like I do now

  3. "Hello, I find your work entertaining. You are hateful and misinforming but I am cynical enough to enjoy a fellow cynic. I disagree with most of what you say, please continue."

  4. Ann Coulter is Awesome and says it like it is.  She doesnt hold anything back and yes Liberals like Nancy Pelosi have Hillary Clintons yang in their throats...

  5. Keep up the good work.  Try to enlighten( or expose) the liberals, even tho they must have genetic deficiencies that are not correctable.  

    Try to discover why the libs are afraid of patriotism, have no fear of terrorists,  why they do not trust humans to take care of themselves but trust the government to solve all our problems.  Also explain why corporations are the wealth of a nation.  As we can see the wealth following corporations to China.

  6. Have a few drinks with her and laugh about the liberals. Celebrate America's freedom of speech.

  7. Is that an Adam's apple or do you have G.W. Bush's yang stuck in your throat?

  8. She is very very rich so I would ask her for some money.

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