
What would you say resembles fame in our modern society?

by  |  earlier

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Could be a full sentence or just a simple word, like "Size 0".

What would you resembles fame today, and why?




  1. high salaries.

  2. "hollywood"

    Talent,looks,money,movies/music,desgin... you know,nice things,luxury vacations,. i think resembles fame today

  3. prestige

  4. The gecko in that insurance ad.

    Seriously, I've seen so many things "revisited" (rerun) that I'm convinced only a very few people are permitted fame, as this "government" doesn't trust many people with fame, for fear of being critiqued by someone it might not feel comfortable shooting, because they might then be missed.

    Brittany Spears is an example of one they cannot shoot, but "defame" anyway. (and she isn't all that controversial)!!!

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