
What would you say the best catfish rig would be for these fishing conditions?

by Guest66844  |  earlier

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I have been fishing in the spillway next to the lift gates in the dam lately. The railing is approximately 30ft up from the top of the water, and the water is approximately 23ft deep. Since they opened the second gate for winter pool, the water moves REALLY fast in that spot and the water visibility is stained.

I know there are lots of BIG cats on the bottom of that area, because people are still catching a lot of them. I was also catching a lot there before they opened the second gate using dip bait, but now the water is moving so fast it washes it off, so that is no longer an option. Now I need to change my method. Last night I went out there with nightcrawlers and used a 1oz. weight each of these tied to a leader on one of those three way swivels. The cats kept grabbing the nightcrawler, but would let it go once they felt the weight. I also had trouble with the line sweeping down the area and tangling in other fisherman's lines, so I know I need a heavier weight that won't easily get hung in the rip-rap rocks on the bottom. I also had an issue with the hook leader getting tangle around the weight leader, is there anyway to prevent this?

Does anyone have any suggestion of how I should set up my line to catch catfish in these conditions? I will probably be using Turkey Livers this weekend as well as nightcrawlers. Any suggestions at all would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Try to use minimum weight,when the current at a place is too fast there are two options.Option one is to use heavier weight cos it will sink to the bottom once out in the water.Option two is to use minimum weight and don't think  your line will be swept away,after you cast it out you have to lower your line in the water for the current will push your line to the bottom .Until you lift it up then the line will start to drift again.This way of fishing is much harder than the heavier weight but you can feel the fish much easier than with heavier line.The tangling part,you can use shots spreaded equally along your trace.This can be done by a side cast with a slight pull to separate the weight from your trace before the go way to the bottom.Remember that some drifting of your line will happen before the reach the bottom,so throw it slightly higher above your targeted area.Rod tip has to low and side way.Happy fishing and lots of catch.Anything for you.

  2. You seem to know a lot about fishing so I think you just got to find where the catfish are and maybe use different baits until you have found a pattern. I supposed there are crayfish in the lake you fish and I have had a lot of success with them. The rig I use that causes the fish not to feel the weight of my sinker, is an egg sinker on top, then swivel in between, and hook below. The hook must be attached to 18 inches of line. Also catfish do not like fast flowing water, they prefer to hang out in between slow and fast moving water. So fish those areas. There is a layer of water called the thermocline, this is the area where most fish are because of the abundance of oxygen, it is usually 15ft deep. So maybe you'll need to fish in swallower water.

  3. Laura, try using a carolina rig 1 1/2 ounce egg sinker on 18 -20 pound mainline with a large swivel to stop the weight from running down the leader to your hook You can also use the pyramid weights just rigged carolina style on the other end of the swivel ( I never use the ones that open with that safety pin catch thingie I tie on both ends always) use 26 inches or so of 10 pound fluorocarbon as your leader and a size 2 or 3 baitholder hook (eagleclaw baitholder is fine because I think the hook you are using is for plastic baits and for big bass mouths, not catfish) the fish can bite the bait and swim off with the leader pulling through the weight and you can give it all the line you want until you decide to hook him. here's the trick you have to slowly lift the weight up off the bottom and allow it to slide down the mainline to the swivel (no matter how far he swam off with it) if you do it slow enough you can then raise the weight off the bottom after it reaches the swivel and set the hook when you feel the fish first refuse to allow the weights presence. (he'll shake his head noticeably right and left) it's his attempt to dump the hook.

  4. Yes, this is just something to try. In similar instances I found that a simple modification to the drop shot worked well for me. First, I fish with heavy braided line. On the end of that line is a heavy bank sinker or diamond drop weight that sits on the bottom. Sometimes as heavy as 2ozs. depending on the current. Instead of tying the hook on to the main line like a standard drop shot, I use the three way sinker to tie a a 12 to 18 inch piece of heavy mono to the third ring on the swivel. I use mono because fluorocarbon sinks. To give you a better visual, the main line is tied to the top ring, the bottom ring has about 2 feet of the main line (braid) with the sinker that drops to the bottom. The third ring (off to the side) is the one with the line, hook, and bait. It works like a drop shot with a length of line connected to the hook. It works for me because the current keeps the mono line with the bait floating up and not on the bottom to get tangled.I have tied on fluorocarbon when the current was strong and it didn't go too well, so I stick to mono. If the water is dingy you really shouldn't have a problem with mono. I have used this method in a river and and it works well. You can even make your own modifications, but the key is to have the sinker on the bottom and the bait up a little off the bottom and out to the side to prevent tangles.

  5. Well, first off you will need heavy line (braid) and a heavy rod. Leave your 1oz weight on it and about 16-24 inches above that use a "kicker" line with a circle hook.

    Or.... have the weight the same diastance above the hook.

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