
What would you say to a hurting husband?

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I wrote that my husband still brings up my ex-fiance and how I cheated on my ex fiance with him for a year and a half before breaking it off. I seriously think he is hurting STILL from this. We have been married for 3 years. How can I repair his heart? How can I stop him from thinking about it? What can I say to make it better?




  1. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that he is probably still hurting from this.  You're very lucky that you've been married for 3 years & its sad that you would be so careless & acting so cavalier.  Unfortunately, you cannot repair a broken heart.  It needs to heal on its own & I'm sure that will be hard when you are trying to stop him from thinking about your deception.  There is nothing that you can say or do to make it better.  He needs to decide if he can make his peace with what you did & if he can find a way to move past it with you.  Only he can make that decision.  Really don't you think you've done enough????  Sometimes what you broke can't be fixed and there is a consequence for your actions.

  2. Be "his" sexually.......  Completely for a bit.  Damage done though might be too late for any type of repair.

  3. sry hun, but how would you feel? you would need ALOTof reassurance and for it to be as recurrent as possible.  try counseling and talk to him. show him that you have changed and you know what you did wrong and what you have to loose. tell him you dont wanna lose it.

  4. This reminds me of that old saying, be careful what you wish for.....

    What exactly is bothering your husband?

    He didn't care that you were engaged to have s*x with you.

    And now he's married to you and still getting s*x from you.

    Is he a competitive person and is more attracted to what he can't have?

    Or is he feeling remorse for his part and is thinking you'll do the same to him?

    It's in the past. Neither of you can change that. You guys took a risk at getting caught, fell in love, and now you're married.

    Either he's going to have to look at himself as winning the best gal out there, or he's going to use that guilt as a way out of the marriage.

  5. Are you for real?!?

    How does your husband TRUST you? If I was your husband, I would think that you are cheating on me. I mean, you did it with me, what makes me believe that you aren't with another man? You effin cheaters! Oh my poor husband, how do I heal his heart? You should of broke up with the finace before you got involved with another man. Are you really that blind? No wonder why your husband has a hurting heart! You were a lying b*tch for a year and a half. And was having an affair.

    If I was your husband, I would be watching your every move. You do not deserve the right to be trusted...and he knows this. And he will never stop thinking about it...he has to wake up to you every morning.

    Yeah it was all fun for him back when he was f*cking another man's woman...but now look at him. Can't handle it can he?

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