
What would you say to an alien who comes in naked (got knows how they will look) to your bedroom in the night?

by  |  earlier

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hehehe! :)




  1. "Bligsw@tch! is that you?"

  2. I would tell her she should knock first...

  3. I'd shoot first, then ask questions.

  4. That if he keeps coming in naked this late at night, i'll file for divorce.

    (ha ha ha sorry hubby couldn't resist)

  5. I would ask him 10000 questions about their civilisasion and their technologies

  6. nothing

    i would screamm!!

  7. Oh nothing mainly. I will just eat(-eh-em- literally) his head off with thousands of questions, thunk his head with the bedside lamp, jump out the window (hope i don't get a broken bone or something) and dash to another country! Or I would just introduce him to my Martian friend... He may recognize him though :)

  8. i first would ask if he came in peace, if i believed it, i would ask it to dinner.  if i didnt believe it i would pull out my 12 gauge and shoot him just like any other burgler or rapest!

  9. Why do you feel compelled to ask questions like this? Its silly and pointless.  If its an attempt at humor, its not a very good attempt.   You must have something better to do.  Why not try counting your fingers and toes?  That should keep you amused for hours.  

  10. I sure hope you don't mean an alien from the movie aliens because if that was the case i would probably just get captured and stuck up against the wall while the face hugger lays and egg down my throat (Eeew) then i would wake up and the little gaffer in my chest would pop out and start killing everyone on earth, but if were talking E.T. with the glowing finger and funny voice i would ask what's up with the whole finger thing.

  11. Keep that finger away from me!

  12. How would you know they are naked? Since they are alien, you would first have to know their morpholgy to know they are naked! Of course you could simply ask them to strip but they might strip their skin!!!!

  13. She'd better be an adult, have a green card and she'd better be prepared to be attacked!

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