
What would you say to her/him....?

by  |  earlier

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what would you do if some girl/guy laughed at you because they you were wearing extensions!

NOTE:give me a good comeback/diss that will make him/her feel dry about it!




  1. "yup and they look a h**l of a lot better then that ratsnest you call hair"

    lol :)  

  2. I use these all the time when pple tell me stuff like that you could say

    "I know you aint talking with you crocked hair line"

    "It look way better then the raggidy stuff you call hair on yo head"

    "Who you tlking bout cause i know you dont want to get me started on yo hair"

    " Atleast i got hair "

    If they say thats not your hair say yes it is i brought it!

    "I know you bald headed self aint tlking to me you need to get your napps combed out"

    "Please i got more hair on my head then you got on your whole body"

    If they insult your hair say"Please it looks good on me unlike some pple"

    hope this help you

  3. Look whos talking maybe you should have asked me for some fashion advice  

  4. Just say "Wow, it's ALMOST funny isn't it?" and walk away.

  5. My extensions usually look blatantly fake, so when people laugh at me and point at them I just rip them out and wave them in the person's face. It usually shuts them up, it's basically my way of saying,

    "Yeah, no duh they're extensions!"

  6. "If I wanted fashion opinions from you I will come to your trailer park to get them!"

  7. That's wAt hAPPeNeD To Me To i goT BoX Braids AnD thiS ONe PerSoN jUsT TeAsEd Me LikE CRaZy BuT YoU nOe wat U dO aT LUNcH if yOu PoUR mILK On dA PersOn ANd SaY GoT MiLk  bUt DaTs oNLy If u waNt iF dON'T bUt Tell mE iF u DO

  8. i got a ponytail extension and one kid is all like

    wat the h**l did u do to ur hair.

    i said

    I bought it ******

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