
What would you say to someone thinking about joining the SAS?

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I've got a few questions:

How many years does special forces training usually take?

Do you have to join the regular army first?

What goes on in the enlistment service?

What are the physical requirements?

What kind of attitude do you need?




  1. 1.I have no idea how long the training is but it is incredibly difficult. It has a very, very high failure rate use this link for details of the training :

    2. You have to join any of the uk armed forces from Royal marines, to regular army, royal artillery etc. and have completed a tour of duty before you can apply to join the SAS. You can however join the TA SAS this is just as difficult but you don't have to have served in the military before. the TA SAS are part-time SAS soldiers.

    3. What do you mean?

    4. You have to be fit and healthy but remember you will already be in the army etc. so will be fit.

    5. never give in, ever. You have to beleive in yourself and your abilitys and tell yourself you can and will pass selection/training. the biggest thing is to never give in. just keep going until you physically cannot keep going. there is no encouragement to keep going, you have to be entirely self motivated.

  2. I am pretty sure you have to be a paratrooper. SAS is the special air service (SBS is the special boat service). So you need a head for heights. Also balls of steel : ).

    I saw a documentary once where recruits were running around on a sort of climbing frame, jumping gaps, sprinting across narrow boards and so on. Except that the dang thing was about 15 metres high and they were doing this on top of it.

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