
What would you say to someone whose cat died?

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Well, one of mine died yesterday, so now's your chance.

He was almost 18 so had had a good, long life.




  1. 18 is a fantastic age for a cat! You must have looked after him =)

    One of mine is 19 now, she's on her last legs. I get upset sometimes, but when I put it in perspective, I feel better. I remind myself that cats live a much shorter amount of time than humans, and that my cat has lived all her life, and that she is a very old age. Like a 150 year old! It stops me from feeling so sad when I realise that cats full term lives are much shorter than humans - so her life wont really be lost when she dies.

    I will be upset, like you are, and we will miss our kitties - but they didnt lose out on anything, they spent their whole long lives with us and happily =) They didn't die before their time, and they got the most out of their bodies as they possibly could =)

    Even a 5year old cat dying isn't like a child dying (except that you may miss a beloved pet like your own child) because 5 years for a cat is still a good amount of time =)

    I'm sorry for your loss. Let yourself be sad and miss him, and remember that he must have been a very happy cat, and nothing was lost.

  2. My condolences.  You should feel good when you remember times your cat was happy with you giving it food and attention.  It knew you cared for it.  Transfer that emotion to energy for your other pet(s).  I have 4 dogs so I'm in for a world of hurt eventually.  George Carlin said it best:  When you buy a pet, you're purchasing a little tragedy."  d**n, and he's gone, too.  How tragic.  Here's a clip to cheer you up.

  3. what happened with the other 8?


  4. I'm so sorry.  He obviously had a very healthy life with you though because he lived so long.

  5. just think that he may be dead but he will live forever in your heart and that is how to be invincible and to live forever because he is in your heart always.

  6. Warm hugs, I am sure he is watching over you, waiting for the time for you to both re-united.

    I hope you will love the poem, I cried the first time I read it, after a friend gave it to me.

    Take care of yourself.  

  7. I am sorry that you have suffered this loss, i know how dreadful i felt and was after my cat died, he was 16/17 but he just curled up and went to sleep. So you have my utmost sympathy.

  8. im sorry, my kitty died after 18 years too, i was overseas so i never said good bye =(

  9. i'm sorry for your loss

    its great that he lived so long

    its not easy to know what else to say as i know its devastating

  10. We all die one day,you knew it was going to happen somtime.Cheer up

  11. awe, i'm so sorry about that... i know how you feel, i lost my cat august 10th 2008 (at 2am, so it was tha early 10th), she was only 3 years old, just turned 3 a month and a half ago. She got real sick, after having her second litter of kittens, they said it was "milk fever" when she doesn't get enough calcium in her blood. It was very very sad because she was so unique and like a bset friend to me. so I am very very sorry about your lose, you ahve all my sympathy, we can cry together :).... your lucky, having him for 18 years... i wish i could have had mine that long, it was to late to save her :( :(....... they are in heaven together :)!

  12. I`m really sorry to hear that, you must feel devastated....

  13. I'm very sorry for your loss! I hope he died peacefully, and I hope you are doing okay!

  14. Sorry he just ran out in front of me i had no chance to stop!

  15. I am really sorry for your loss. My 14 year old cat had to be put to sleep a few months ago. It was a very sad time, so I know how you feel.

    After a little while you might like to consider getting another pet, so I would visit some animal shelter websites and see what there is around. I am sure that your cat would want you to help another animal who needs it.

  16. get a new 1 and stroke the p.u.s.s.y lol did i make u smile lol stop blushng ...

  17. "buy a new one...there's like a billion of them"

  18. i'd say some kind of joke relating to nine lives....

  19. i'm really sorry for you

    and i really know how you feel

  20. sorry - I'm sure he/she's in kitty heaven????

  21. I'm so sorry for your loss, you must miss him, but you can comfort yourself that if he lived to 18 he was obviously very well loved and had a very good life - you are no doubt a caring person who loves his pets and cares for them very well.  Be glad that you gave him 18 happy years and took good care of him.  And never forget him.

  22. I am so sorry for your loss....18yrs he had a good life, just remember the good times you had with him,every time you think of him he is with you. God Bless x

  23. oh i am so sorry to hear that it is awful when a pet close to you dies especially when they live to a ripe old age

  24. Now's the time to buy a dog.

  25. We had a cat who was 21 when she died it was horrible , she was a part of the family, but she was old and tired and once we got used to the idea we realised it was her time to go and she was at peace and no longer in pain so that made us feel better,it is sad when a pet dies so i know how you feel.

  26. im sorry to here the loss of your cat but he most of been a loved cat to have lived for 18 years(:

  27. I'm sorry that your pet died but, as you say, 18 is a good age for a cat. I hope the cat died peacefully.

  28. Youre right! he had a good long life, so try not to beat yourself up.

    18 is a long time for a cat to live, be thankful you got to know him for that time, think of all the happy memories you made together.

    The pain will get better with time.


  29. i am really sorry for your loss

  30. he was a good cat but it was an animal and you have to move on

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