
What would you say to the leaders of the world goverments?

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If you could address the governments of the world what would you say to them?




  1. In the (twisted) words of Rodney King:

    Can't we all just hit the bong?

  2. buzz aldren the astronuat said he wants them to go to space.

    then there would be no more war,or anything like that.

    gives you perspective of things it sounds like!

  3. Read and learn the Tao Te Ching

  4. Bothermenot -- i agree i would say something like that

    the government is like a class room of first graders and they done have a teacher. There are different areas that are being split up to 'leaders' and they are all fighting over a really bright red plane and its messing up the room.

    I would probably take away there plane and tell them not to fight because right now they have to clean up there messes.

  5. Stop behaving like spoilt children and do something about this mess. We're all in it together, so let's work together to solve the problems, instead of arguing about who gets to play with the big toys and who doesn't.

  6. . . . . . . Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

  7. Probably something along the lines of "You Suck!"

  8. "Shut and listen. Listen good, too. Stop acting like fools. Get along. Do what's right for your people." *Add a slap across the face if necessary.* "People are starving and killing each other out there. And you're sitting here getting fat. Get off your ____ and start helping people! Forget religions and races, we have a planet drifting into anarchy. Let's go, people!"  

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