
What would you say was the most NERVE-RACKING thing?

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Mine is...Going to somewhere new for the first time eg. School, Club etc for the first time and not knowing anyone...You never know whats going to happen...Whether you'll make a fool of yourself or do something completely weird haha (Being socially awkward)...My first day today and im nervous as h**l hahaha




  1. The day before surgery  

  2. doing a speech

  3. I'm looking forward to school(: i start tomorrow.For me its when my teacher is like Ok class i will give you your tests back at the end of class.then i have to wait 1 hour until i get it back and i just get really nervous,and bite my nails

  4. trying to diffuse a nuclear bomb on a train that is on a collision course with mt. everest

  5. Seeing the mother of my first love, who has stayed a friend. After all these years I thought she'd forgotten me since I'm not in her life in any way, but NOOOO, she STILL hates my guts! Her loss! I've got to laugh at this absurdity!  

  6. waiting on the results to your first HIV test....

  7. getting busted with weed

  8. When I know that I know what something is (ex. name of a song, name of an actor, name of a book, how a song goes, name of a movie, name of a friend.. LOL!), and it's sitting on the edge of my brain but I just can't get it out. That is so annoying! I usually don't let it go until I think of it and that's all nerve-racking. :)

  9. waiting for test results


  10. locking keys in car

    or having trouble finding something that you lost.  

  11. i agree with test results

  12. I agree with you :) I get really nervous be for going on a big ride :) but its a good kind of nervous haha

    I also agree with you .. i get nervous in those situations too.

  13. waiting to see if the line turns pink or not !

  14. Losing my place to live at 17 years old. It was 6 weeks before my high school graduation and I didn't know what I was going to do. I fretted over it, considered staying on a freinds couch, and tried to figure out if anyone would rent a cheap room to a 17 year old.  My mom found out what was going on and took me in, but unfortunately she lived an hour away. So, for 6 loong weeks my poor mother had to drive 20 mins from the house to drop my sister off at preschool, drive an additional 40 to drop me off at high school, and then drive another hour to get herself to work. (and then repeat all this nonsense in the afternoon) it was not a fun time for any of us.  

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