
What would you say will be the end of the world?

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Asteroids like dinosaurs? global warming? over-nuclear bombardment? just curious what would be so big that will erradicate this world




  1. The world will not "end" that way. There will be a WWIII in the Mideast (Israel), though. Several of the world's militaries will be involved. It will be devastating.

  2. The end of the world and the extinction of humanity are too entirely different things. Just because we die doesn't mean Earth is destroyed. The human race will eventually go extinct... it is inevitable. There are three most likely canidates for human extinction-

    1. Asteroids

    2. Naturally die out

    3. Extreme climate changes

    Asteroids do present an eminant threat to all life on Earth. Asteroids can be broken apart before entrance, and will just burn up in the atmopshere... the thing we are worried about is if a large chunk managed to find itself getting hurled towards Earth and it goes undetected.

    Natural extinction is a likely canidate too. We just die out like other species. It could be as a result of nuclear war, although that doesn't seem so natural, or it could simply be that we over populate Earth.

    Extreme climate change is the most eminant threat. With global warming occuring, an extremem climate change could be catostrophic to the human race.

    As for the world physically being destroyed, there are 2 possibilities.

    1. The Earth gets hit by an object larger than the moon.

    2. In 5 billion years when the sun swells to the size of a red supergiant.

    Although option 1 doesn't have to happen, number 2 is a inevitable... in a way. We know that the sun is going to swell up, and then burn out. But the question is, when it swells, will it engulf Earth like it will Mercury and Venus? We can't say for sure, but one thing is for certain. All water will evaporate, all life will die, and we will be without an atmosphere.

  3. Personally, it's possible that mankind won't be here to even see the end of the world. The end of mankind.....either nuclear bombs by the thousands, or global warming would be the most likely to wipe us out for good. As for all life on the planet...(bacteria and roaches included)...nobody can really be sure. It's possible that an Asteroid could wipe it all out, forcing a restart...or it's possible the bombs and global warming could be what does it.

    None of us can ever really be sure what will cause mankind or the world itself to end, but any of the above reasons could play a major role in it if we are not careful. Nuclear bombs should only be used as a last ditch effort...ever. Global Warming must be slowed down or stopped. We don't know how much of it is natural, evalutionary warming, and how much of it is our own stupid ignorance, pollution and brain dead ways of doing things that has caused it...but we do know that we cannot survive if the warming continues at it's present rate. We must slow it down or stop it and hope that we can reverse the trend, at least for a few more years so that we can make a colony on another planet and even if this one gets wiped out....we have a chance to learn from our mistakes on the moon or mars a 100-150 years from now.At our present rate....we won't make it to that time period in which it might (and it's still a huge IF at this point) have the technology to actually do something like colonize a new planet. I know that is what we are eventually hoping to do with Mars. Create a Colony that could be used so that we can explore the deeper regions of space that mankind has never seen before with his or her own eyes. That same colony could eventually be what saves mankind from it's own destruction. My only hope is that by the time 2158 arrives...we do have the technology to make it happen and that we still have the time left on this planet to make it happen.

  4. You know, I feel like global warming won't be what ends us,

    Nuclear, well maybe...but I doubt anyone is going to wanna sink that ship. Hah.

    Maybe some sort of disease or a huge asteroid. :D

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