
What would you see if you didnt have eyes?

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What would you see if you didnt have eyes? The obvious answer is nothing but what is "nothing" You would have to see something. Like when you shut your eyes. You see just like a black screen but what if you didnt have eyes?




  1. see anything by my feelings towards it

  2. Three possibilities.

    1.) Born blind.  Imaginations of what you learn.

    2.) Gone blind.  Everything you knew before.

    3.) Eyes closed, or in a dark room.  Most people see black.*  But I see the colors of my chakras.  Depending on how I feel.


    P.S. You should know what 'black' is!

  3. On the science channel they hard a show on smart minds, and this guy from Turkey was born without eyes, but yet he was a great artist! He drew in three-dimensions without ever seeing it! The scientist are doing studies showing that via other senses the brain can understand the physical world. Even his color schemes in his painting were great! I mean, you think it would be all funky because he has never seen color but it was great.

    Anyway, he claims when he was young he saw black but as things were described to him as he got older he gathered mental images. When asked to describe and draw things, he amazingly gets them correct! Even color! He knows what red is when  asked to draw like a red house. Weird.

  4. It depends on when I became blind....

    If it was after I was born and had already seen some of the world, then I would always see what I had seen when I had eyes.  I would see the sky, the trees, ect.  And all the wondrous colors!!   I would always see those images and hold onto them so I would not forget.  

    If I was born blind, then I would probably visualize the world based on how it was described to me.  Although I would have no idea if my visualizations were correct, I would see my own world, which would be more special because it would be a world only I could see.  I would see people for how beautiful they really are without ever having to judge them based on their looks.  It would be wonderful in a way...

  5. You would probably just see black...

  6. You would feel. The trick is, for those of us who CAN see, to shut our eyes and know when to feel. If you had no eyes, the struggle between seeing a difference and feeling a difference wouldnt be there. If you think about how much our eyes are truely decieved, you almost have to wonder if they arent eating away at our common sense with all the distractions they offer.

  7. The only way to find out, is to ask someone who was born blind, a very good question tho'

  8. If you didn't have eyes you would not see, period.

  9. you would "see" what you feel....

  10. You would rely on different senses to get a "picture" of your surroundings. If you didn't have eyes, you wouldn't have optic nerves. So you wouldn't even have the capacity to see a black screen.

  11. When I am asleep I dream in color so maybe someone who had no eyes could actually see rays of color in their mind.

  12. you would still have notions connected to certain sensoric impressions - your "sight" was made up from the combination of a word / concept with smell, taste, feeling, noise, temperature.

    the other senses compensate the missing one - but the concept of colours would be inexplicable and incomprehensible to you...

  13. Blind people `feel` objects and  people, from this they deduce in their mind, what shape the object is. So even although they cannot see, they have an idea of how( things they touch ) look. I imagine that this is what we would `see` if we did not have eyes.

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