
What would you suggest? baby cot?

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What would you suggest? baby cot?

My little girl who's 10 months like to throw herself backwards in her cot and end knocking her head. We are thinking of moving her in a travel cot so at least when she does it she land on the soft walls of it.

I am just wondering before we go for the travel cot option is there such things as really big, high bumper cot that would fit the whole height of the cot or something similar - I have browse a few websites find and google a bit but cannot find anything.

I know a few people will mention, that she will stop doing it after hurting herself a few time but I do not want to go down that route

Can anyone recommend anything?




  1. the travel cots will work well with that  just make sure its well padded at the bottom so she does not hurt her head if she hits that part  

  2. I wouldnt recommended using a travel cot as they are not that sturdy for vast amount of movement...

    On the standard cot what I would suggest is putting a thick pillow behind the bumper (and sides) for extra protection, hopefully if you tighten bumper it will secure the pillows.. I know that you are not really supposed to use a bumper until the child is 12 months but I really feel that you have no other option.. Speak to your HV or Midwife just to be sure though x

  3. I really wouldn't worry about it. In fact I don't worry about it. My daughter knocks her head on the cot at least 4 times a night and has suffered no long lasting damage. Half the time she doesn't even wake up enough to whimper. They need to be able to experience things, including self inflicted pain, in order to learn about the world. Now I wouldn't let them experience being run over or anything serious, but the odd knock on the head is part of life.

  4. bumpers are not reccomended once a child can sit up unaided anyway so its prob for the best not to use for a travel cot,remember that they often do not have a well padded matress so make sure tat your child is going to be comftable as you dont want them getting back ache!most children will bang there heads against the cot,my two certainly have and my son will lie across the cot and stick his legs through the cot!it does them no harm to have a few bumps though.u wont be able to stop them hurting themselves all the while,unfortunatly common sence is 1 thing they have to learn for long as there not going to get a serious injury,its best to let them learn.good luck with whatever you decide.perhaps have a word with your health visitor for advise?

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