
What would you suggest to do to your kitten if having watery p**p and an upset stomach without a vet?

by  |  earlier

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I will go to a vet later on. Just answer the question! >^.^<

i have been feeding her baby rice cereal mixed with water and crushed dry kitten food. It doesnt seem to help....been like that for 2 days really concerned. she vomited twice on the morning of the 1st day. i know it was something she ate.




  1. Other than the obvious answer of she needs to see a vet, try giving her small amounts of PLAIN Pedialyte so she doesn&#039;t become overly dehydrated. You didn&#039;t say how old this kitten is or if she has seen a vet before. She could have intestinal parasites or an infection.

    If she is small (few weeks old) try offering her KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement) or Just Born (KMR is preferred) as it&#039;s more gentle on their system. If she&#039;s older, soak the dry kitten food in the KMR and offer her that.

    But make sure you give her some of the plain Pedialyte so she doesn&#039;t get too depleted and dehydrated, then take her to the vet.  

  2. You can&#039;t treat this without a vet.  Your kitten may have a bacterial infection, parasites or FIE (Feline Infectious Enteritis) - none of these can be treated by diet alone; in fact they&#039;ll get worse if untreated.  Also, she&#039;s going to get dehydrated and malnourished very quickly without vet treatment to find out what the cause is and to tackle that cause.

    Food allergy can also be the cause.  This also needs the vet&#039;s help in finding out what food is triggering a reaction.  There&#039;s also a condition called Inflammatory Bowel Disease that results in chronic diarrhoea.

    Although you say it wasn&#039;t something she ate, kittens can eat things you don&#039;t see - spiders, bugs etc which can sometimes cause problem.  In the case of a simple stomach upset in full-grown cats, the usual course is to not give food for 24 hours and to provide plenty of water to drink then small amounts of simple light food such as boiled chicken; it usually resolves within a couple of days.  In kittens it can be more serious due to their size and bodyweight.  If she&#039;s been like this for a couple of days, your vet may want to give her an electrolyte solution and glucose if she&#039;s not eating or digesting food.

  3. In their natural surroundings, I have seen animals eat grass, when they have some ailment.  May be you can give a few tender blades of grass to the kitten. The best way, if you are very concerned, is to take the kitten to the veterinarian immediately.

  4. You need to take her to the vet asap. Baby animals can die quickly from being dehydrated from vomitting and diahhrea. Dont go to the vet later but now. It could be something she ate or viral or she may have some kind of diesase that makes her sick like when puppies get distemper. Hurry to the vet.

  5. really she needs a vet ASAP. she could have distemper and it is very fast moving and deadly if not treated in time. Don&#039;t wait to take the kitten to the vet or it could die.

  6. Baby rice cereal?  For a CAT?  Cats are carnivores - not human babies.  Why in the h**l are you giving it that????

    What would I suggest to do to this kitten?  I would suggest that you take it immediately to a local shelter so that someone with a sense of responsibility and the means to care for it properly can adopt it.

    If you&#039;re &quot;really concerned&quot; why are you posting online instead of TAKING IT TO THE VET?  Later on?  When?  When it&#039;s DEAD? Geezus.

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