
What would you suggest to someone who was obsessed with the way they look?

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How could they stop their lives being consumed with concern about the way they look?




  1. that is a bit like anorexia.looks is the only thing in your life you can to a pro.

  2. I would tell them its personality that counts. You could be ugly/average and still be popular.

  3. ask them why its so important.

    they're obssession with the way they look is a symptom of a problem and not the prob itself.

    they have 2 start feeling good about themselves making the superficial, like their appearance, less important.

    just talk 2 them and find out, why is it so important.


  4. Give them examples of ppl who r ugy on the inside n beautiful on the out...

  5. I would tell them they are wasting valuable energy and to get over it and move on

  6. It is their decision to be the way they are.  I am very conscious about the way I look, but I don't think it is a bad thing.  It has helped in career and my personal life.  As long it isn't affecting THEIR life (read: not yours), then what is the problem?

    If on the other hand it truly is affecting their life (meaning that they cannot function in every day situations because of a fear of not looking right), then they need professional help.

  7. Lol mess with their head because all they are really doing is fishing for compliments. If they say how ugly they are agree with them and say something like , "you're the ugliest b!tcch I've ever seen in my life u need plastic surgery." If they say "I'm fat." Say something like "You're starting to look like cee lo. Always remind her/him of how their thighs look like they're going to start a fire from all the rubbing. *dies* have fun!  

  8. I would say they are normal...and suggest you butt out...

  9. Such behavior will take up a lot of time and resources to maintain.  They'll get tired of it, or find that their resources should be channeled elsewhere.

  10. let me know the answer, because i'm obsessed with how i look. i can see every little flaw on me, and some days it can make me depressed.

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