
What would you take with you when you leave the house if all you had was a small backpack?

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all i have is a small back pack and i'll be gone for the weekend so i'm courious to know what would you take?




  1. Most Important - Credit Cards - then you can buy anything that you need

    Personal Hygiene Stuff (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)

    some cash - although credit cards can almost be used everywhere

    change of clothes

  2. toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, comb, soap and, shampoo. Underwear for however many days you will be gone. A few bras... if you are a chick that is. A pair of shorts(take up less space than pants), shirts....

    and you would still have room for some other stuff if you needed...

    It really depends on where you are going and how much money you will have on hand.

  3. Meh. It depends on where you are going and what you're willing to tolerate. For me, I take underwear for each day I'm away, a pair of socks, a clean t shirt, a long t shirt for sleeping in, toothbrush, toothpaste, travel shower gel, travel shampoo plus conditioner, my eyecare stuff, a book to read. I'm more than willing to wear my jeans every day if I can save the space!

  4. Small bottles of shampoo and body wash, toothbrush and toothpaste, a hair brush, clean socks and undies, a pair of jeans and a couple of shirts, a book and my ipod.  and some extra cash tucked in one of the pockets.

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