
What would you tell someone that hates homeschooling with a Passion?

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or that just comes out with comments/questions that are anti-homeschooling




  1. Well I guess that depends on if you are homeschooling and this persons comments seem like a personal attack.

    I always say something like live and let live.  But you can always list the requirements for homeschooling and perhaps some statistics on the benefits to children.   Any time I am trying to defend a position, I always try to be well versed and well prepared to meet the opposing persons arguments, I just love to leave someone speechless.!

  2. Wow.  

    I've never met someone that is that hateful.

    I've read quite a few derogatory remarks on this Answers forum but they don't bother me.  The problem is that they are usually uninformed (I don't want to say ignorant but the idea is similar).

    If they were in my face saying things that are anti-homeschooling I would probably walk away.  

    If they want serious conversation and are willing to listen I will tell them plenty.

    Schools are for fish, Homes are for people.

    Home schooling works even when it doesn't work.

    The worst day of home-school is still better than the best day of group-school.

    I will tell them what I tell people all of the time ---- My children were homeschooled from cradle to college and to the workplace.

    I will encourage them to read all of the information at and and and

    I will tell them to visit a home-school group meeting once a month and get to know the families.

    I will suggest to them that they actually should meet a home-school family and sit and talk to them.

    I will encourage them to go to a state-wide home-school conference and listen to all of the speakers.

    My home-schooled daughter is now in college -- she gets A's in all of her classes.

    Our home-schooled friends hold doctorates in their fields:  One is a practicing veterinarian, another is a research scientist/chemist, one is finishing her doctorate in veterinary medicine, two are completing doctorates in nuclear engineering.... those are just a few at the top of the work-force chain.  We know hundreds of home-school graduates that have gone on to colleges and universities.  Others have gone directly into the workplace.  Many are owners of their own companies. Some are missionaries.  Some are teachers.  There are others in nearly every honest job pursuit that can be named.  All are smart and well liked by their colleagues, families, and friends.

    It doesn't matter what a hatefully/passionate/anti homeschooling person says or thinks --- because nothing they can come up with will change the truth.

    The truth is that home-schooling is a wonderful and workable form of education.  It has been proven over and over again by those that have participated in the process.

  3. If they're doing it and don't like it I'd tell them the truth... I'd tell them that homeschooling is an option that should give you total freedom of choice when it comes to academics and your social life, and that it will be as good or as bad as you want/choose to make it. If it isn't going well for you, do something about it. If you don't have a socail life, go out and get one. Make the effort. You'll get back double what you put into it in the end.

  4. My sister-in -law and I have decided to agree to disagree after I told her that she can raise her kids her way and I'll raise my kids my way.

  5. It can be difficult to deal with people who continually tell you that you are living your life wrong.  Unfortunately there are people in this world who are just mean and you can't avoid them.

    I try to figure out why they are so anti-homeschooling.  There must be something that bothers them about the lifestyle.  I haven't met anyone like this who has actually explained why they are against it, so it make it troubling to comprehend.  Either they don't understand it, or they are envious of some aspect.  Or maybe they think it diminishes all the time they have spent in school.  

    Trying to see it from their point of view helps me.  But, there isn't anything you can do to change their minds usually.  If someone is so close minded, they just don't listen to reason.  

    Answer questions honestly and try to ignore the nasty comments.  And if the relationship is really only hostile, then maybe it isn't worth saving.

    Good luck :D

  6. Tell them nothing.  Simply listen and let them know they have a right to their opinion.

    Anyone who "hates homeschool with a passion" is not open to hearing what you have to say anyway.

    Spend your time elsewhere looking for people that will lift you up.

  7. i have done public school for 11 years and this is my first year doing home school and it is so much easeier trust me home school is the way to go

  8. I think that person would need to be sensitive to why their parents had chosen homeschooling for them.  However, I think most parents want their children to be happy, successful and independent.  I think the child concerned should be encouraged to either diswcuss with parents as a first step, or possibly investigate a little themselves - for example phone a local state school and see if they could have an appointment to discuss their options.  then perhaps raise it with their parents.  Or if they are too young to do that, discuss it with an adult in their extended family if they feel they cannot discuss it with their parents.

  9. As others have said if they hate it with a passion I'd probably be wasting my time trying to convince them otherwise so I'd probably just say "whatever" and walk away.

  10. i would totally agree with them

    homeschooling is a waste of life

    unfortanately, 5 of my cousins are homeschooled

    and i hate it

  11. make the most of it

  12. We run into this once in a while.

    Usually the anti-homeschooling statements are based on misinformation.  When this is the case, you just give the correct info.

    People who know the info and are just hostile are another matter.

    Here is how you handle it.

    Look the other person straight in the eye, and say in your calmest voice, "I fully support each family's right to educate their children in the way that works best for them.  I expect the same consideration from you."

    If this does not work, start cutting the other person off by saying, "This topic is not open for discussion."

    Be well.

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