
What would you tell your 14 year old self?

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If you could go back in time to when you were 14, what advice (or anything else) would you give yourself




  1. I'm 15 now so lol ill probably say start paying attention in maths !!

  2. Prepare for acne and pimples

  3. I'd probably give myself a sexual rendezvous in the janitorial room with the hottest, young teacher in the building. I've often wondered what such an experience would've been like. However, I have to believe it would've been much more appreciated at the age of 17 or 18 than 14...

  4. 1.  Be patient.  The days seem like forever, but a lifetime flies in an instant.  Don't try to grow up too fast.  Enjoy your youth.

    2.  Obey your mom and dad.

    3.  Learn all you can.  Use your knowledge to benefit others.

    4.  Don't waste a moment.  Use your time in service to your family and friends.

  5. I'd tell myself to stop being such a naive imbecile and get real.

  6. get a good education i was told that didnt believe it but was best advice lookin back now

  7. Study like crazy for about 10 years. Get your diploma, then associates degree, then bachelors, then PHD. This will pretty much guarantee me any job i wanted, obviously choosing a career path along the way.

    Forget about peer pressures, like drugs, s*x, alcohol....they do not help you in your life at all and only cause problems.

  8. Id tell myself my future so far!

  9. keep it up!!!

  10. Don't be so hard on yourself... you're actually pretty smart, you're not fat or ugly, and you're doing well!

    I'd also tell myself to stick up more for people who can't stick up for themselves, because you only learn that you have a voice and that you can make it count when you get older.

  11. Not to start drinking and using drugs at 15!!!

  12. Id tell myself not to let other people put me down. I gave up alot of extremely good opportunities, such as the naval academy, because I didnt have self confidence.

    Id also go back and tell myself what was making me sick, that would have saved 10 years of my life.

  13. You can do everything you want to do. Do not restrict yourself with limits. All your dreams will come true one day. Don't be scared of anything, be confident, and those bullies will end up worse off than you have ever imagined.

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