
What would you think about the idea to dress siblings (boy and girl) alike, perhaps varying in boys´and girls´

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clothes? And let them play with the same toys and doing girly or boyish things alike, without making any difference according to gender?




  1. see...then you end up with a little girl who wears princess dresses to play in the mud and climb trees in.  Who also thinks slugs are cute.

    majority of my daughter clothing and toys have been gender neutral.

  2. Just make sure you save for a college fund and a therapy fund for your boys if dress them up like girls.

    I think it's cruel, but if you bring children into this world, I suppose you have the right to dress them how you please and turn them into serial killers when they grow up.

  3. sounds dumb to me , what about them learning of their identity as a male/female

  4. a great gender - neutral idea would be to dress the little boy in a pure white taffeta ball-gown and lock the little girl up in her bedroom without any dinner and make her wash dishes.

  5. A lot of clothes these days are unisex so there should be no issues with this until such point as the child identifies with what outfits they want.

    Toywise I would definately encourage mix and match after all we expect women to change a tyre and men to cook or babysit!

    This article maybe of interest

  6. Well, siblings are likely to play with each other, regardless. But the dressing up thing is too cutesy for my taste.  When they get older, they may naturally drift towards more gender-defined modes of play.  I don't think it is ethical to experiment on children, though, so I wouldn't reccommend doing it with your own kids.  Let them play with what they like.

  7. I don't see nothing wrong with it but if they don't want to be dressed a certin way then you should leave it up to them.

  8. Are you talking gender neutral clothes or dressing the boy girly and such.

  9. Just let them figure it out for themselves

  10. u need g*y clothes

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