
What would you think bout this teacher?

by  |  earlier

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1.being quiet is s**y and i'm an animal underneath

2.made a growling sound behind you




  1. i don't understand but hooking up with your teacher would be legendary. ill advised, but legendary.

  2. Isn't there enough s*x with students going on, we don't need another incident.

  3. I think I would remind this teacher why he did all those classes he took to become "what he is supposed to be" a teacher, that you are ONLY INTERESTED IN WHAT HE CAN TEACH PRETAINING TO SCHOOL!Nothing else! If this does not take care of it, go to the school board. Have this teacher fired!!We need teachers in our schools that CARE ABOUT LEARNING, and teaching our children's fine minds about the world!There's too untrust in this world, and this teacher doesn't help! If this teacher isn't part of the solution,then this teacher is part of the problem!!!Pray for this teacher!

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