
What would you think/do if...........?

by  |  earlier

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a young lady told you another young, shy, reserved lady said she liked your husband.




  1. Keep your eyes open, depends what she ment by like she may envey you and thats ok. If she ment she will make a move approach her tell her to keep her mitts off

  2. i would say, i like him too, that's why i married him!

    she can like all she wants but he's mine! and she'd be dumb to try and make a move on him.

  3. a lot of ladies may like your husband, but you were there at the right time! forget it... you like your husband the most and he likes you the most!  

  4. is she always around him? i guess it would be a compliment, but just be carefuly aswell how she acts around him, if she does something u dont like i would say something to her

  5. Just ignore and warn your husband of this lady.

  6. I'd do nothing.  The young lady's crush is her problem.  I'd do my best feel complimented that my husband was attractive and charismatic enough to garner the attention of other women, while still having faith in his fidelity.  While it might gnaw at my "jealous bone", I'd try to rise above it and see it for what it is.....he's my husband, I trust him and thats all that matters.  If she does happen to make any unacceptable advances then all bets are off....hire a hit on her. LOL!! (joking of course).

  7. I know what my wife would do and it would not be pleasant.  She woould let whoever know that I am off limits in any way shape or form.

    I am happily married so it is true

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