
What would you think if a grandpa knew when their granddaughters had their periods?

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Ok i am thinking something is going on with my brothers girlfriend (she is 14, he is 13 --way too young i know but no one listens to me)

Anyhow my mom took my brother down to her house and her papa came out and was saying "i think she is pregnant" but then they said she started her period.

Then he said i thought that time before (before my brother started talking to her) she was never going to start her period then she finally did.

I asked my brother has he done anything and he said no but then when i said swear it on moms life and let god strike her dead that you have not fooled with that girl he wouldn't.

But don't you think it is ODD/SICK that he knows about his granddaughters periods?

(She is being raised by her grandparents)

Also i do not get why my mom is letting him see her, letting him go to her house at the age of 13. The rest of us did not get to date until we were 16.




  1. If the grandparents are raising the grandchild, I don't think its odd at all, after all I dont think that a 14 year old girl has a way financially to afford pads or tampons on her own. Unless she has a job which I highly doubt it.  

  2. Yeah, that's quite odd actually, that they keep track of it. My dad certainly didn't care, and my husband certainly won't keep tabs on my daughter's... the only reason would be if they knew she was sexually active, right?

    I mean, logic.

    I hope you can at least convince your brother to visit a clinic and get checked out and have the opportunity to ask a doctor or counselor any questions. Really that's his mom's job though.

    If you think she might be being sexually abused by her family, maybe you should ask her about it. But for your own sake, you'll be better off looking the other way.

  3. It is not odd or sick if he is paying the bills. It is a normal bodily function. He knows she needs toilet paper, doesn't he?

  4. im sure he is raising her as his daughter. when you have daughters parents or grandparents in this case need to know these things. i think its completely normal.

    EDIT also, at least they care enough to worry about this...

  5. Short answer - no I don't think it's odd or sick - especially if she is being raised by her grandparents.

    I'll let you in on a secret - all (with very few exceptions) women get their period!!!  You'd have to be living on another planet not to know if a young woman you are living with has got her period LOL

  6. It's a normal thing that woman's bodies do--and there is really nothing we can do about it. It's not sick he knows, but I can admit a little strange if he is keeping tabs on it. But other than that, it's normal---especially since her grandparents are raising her. I'm sure that if she lived with her parents [If they're alive, I don't know] that they would know when she got her period. It's nothing to worry about and it's nothing to get worked up about. :) Just worry about yourself and your children and just live your life. :) Don't worry about others.


  7. how old are u??

    you sound too responsible to be a teenager lol

    anyways yeah its kinda odd that her grandfather knows about her period. Maybe they are jus really close. Your brother is way too young for that.. she probably forced him. hes young.. probably dont know much about condoms and being safe as yet. If you are his big sister.. i think u should give him a talk.. be open with him.. and tell him how it works real life...what u want and dont want from him.. because no one wants to see their little brother throw their life away by getting involves with getting a girl pregnant..

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