
What would you think if i said "Thank God I'm an Atheist" ?

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What would you think if i said "Thank God I'm an Atheist" ?




  1. I'd think you ought to try something original.


  3. I would think you are crazy.

  4. I'd say you were either being a hypocrite or being sarcastic; neither of which is a good thing.

  5. Id think about for a while, then id get it, then id laugh

  6. I would think you were using a cultural idiom that has travelled from religion to culture by a process of osmosis facilitated by hundreds of years of religious dominance.

    That's what I'd think.

  7. I wouldn't think much of it. I have an atheist friend who says this all the time. It's not as if it's a new phrase.

  8. A Sicko!

  9. how can you be a atheist and  thank God when you dont believe he exsist!

  10. That you're being sarcastic.

  11. *shrugs*

    "Thank God" is no more than a turn of phrase these days.  It means nothing.

  12. Aye, haud yer wheesht and gonnae no dae that hen.

  13. I think of the song.

  14. I would think that you utilized a very common idiom from the modern English language in an average sentence.

  15. That you have a mild sense of humor.  

  16. Not much.  "Thank God..." is becoming more of a common expression in our culture, and doesn't necessarily imply a belief in any religious deity, much like saying "bless you" after someone sneezes.

  17. Well first of all your America and I believe in freedom of speech. I would pitty you, but hey it your life & soul. I will pray for you and your love ones. But, I do that for everyone too. Has nothing to do with your atheist point of view. I wish I was atheist sometime. It be nice to have no morals and do as one places. To live without meaning or purpose.  

  18. hypocricy  is one of atheists charactaristics.

  19. you're an oxymoron.

  20. Comedian

  21. I would say that's a contradictory statement....

  22. It's the same as saying "bless you" when someone sneezes. It really means nothing

  23. I'd think you're un-original.  Plus, I don't see good evidence for Atheism or Theism.

  24. I say thank god, god d**n, jesus christ, etc.

    All the time, they are just sayings.

  25. I'd think "I'm glad you said that". If you'd said "Thank God I'm a country boy", I'd be dreading the thought that the next thing that was going to happen would be a John Denver revival.

    Don't get me wrong, John could sing up a storm, but that was not one of my more favoured songs.

    I'd much rather you were an atheist, and expressed it in whatever way you saw fit, than have you start playing a fiddle and hollering.

  26. We prefer to call that sort of thing "comedic irony"

  27. People who are religious are so stupid and ignorant. I would love to laugh at them when I die, from my cloud, in heaven.

  28. I say ´´thanks god on daily basis.

    OMG, on daily is widely  used figure of speech and i don´t give it a second glance

  29. I say that sometimes. It's called 'irony'.

  30. i'll think that you are a beliver and you have faith , and you are sure that god know's what's good for you,and god will never do something to hurt you...

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