
What would you think if i went out with a 19 year old?

by  |  earlier

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im 16, but turning 17 soon. he is in college and volunteers at my school as a coach. i really like him too! hes really nice to me, and sooo patient. now, im not going to do anything like flirt or ask him out, but im just daydreaming. haha. well, what do you think? is 2 1/2 year difference too much?

p.s. and his laugh is very attractive too




  1. I wouldnt put too much faith in him, if you really think it's uncontrollable, then make him wait till you're ready (like 18/19). TOO many girls have I known keep falling for the older guy routine only to get burned with the " i thought he was different routine" If he can wait that long then he might be wirth something otherwise do yourself the favor and avoid it if possible.

  2. Hmm, well thats funny. because thats exactly what my sister is doing!

    Haha, she has been dating a nineteen yr old in college for about a year now. She loves him, and I think if you ever catch a hint of flirt from him then you just got right ahead.


  3. Um, it's kinda illegal if you have s*x...

    And I wouldn't think anything thing of you.

    I would think the 19 yr old is a loser.

    Sounds like you hardly even know him

  4. not too much.

    but wait, do he like you?

    you have to consider that factor.

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