
What would you think if wife took 3rd shift job after caught having affair.?

by Guest58850  |  earlier

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wife caught having affair with coworkers. She takes a 3rd shift job, saying its because of the extra money, and because she needs to be able to be home if kids need her durning the day or the school calls. Husband works day shift.




  1. I have been married a long time.

    If my wife had an affair on me... we would have much bigger problems than a 3rd shift job.  

  2. well zoo-keep you could put her in a cage

  3. wow. that's hard to say. but my wife did the same, and quit her job after two weeks. so all the fighting for nothing. but i still left, i could not trust her any more. and she proved me right.

  4. I would think she was cheating.  She may not be, but she created the situation (complete lack of trust) by cheating in the 1st place.  Before she takes the position, I would suggest the two of you find a good marriage counselor & deal with the trust issue.  If it can not be resolved, the next step would be to start working out the custody of your children.

  5. She's at work, s******g her co-workers all night long.  She's decided that your not man enough to take care of her needs.

  6. keep your eye on her!

  7. Without trust the relationship is doomed.

  8. I would say she is a ho and she has found the perfect shift to do her thing, which is s***w around with her co-workers while she is getting paid to work, sounds like a total ho !

  9. She may have taken the 3rd shift to avoid the other co-workers that learned of the affair.  You know, separated herself from those people.  In addition, if she took the 3rd shift job at the same company that she had the affair, it may have been done by her superiors.  If you are to uneasy about this, then why not have someone, or you, follow her (borrow a car) and see if anything seems wrong.  

  10. Sounds that she is looking out for the best interest of the family. If she is having an affair, that's messed up. Get counseling or get out of the marriage.

  11. I would say something, it would be rude to know something and let it go on. It's better that her husband knows now than later.

  12. I'd check her check stubs when she gets paid to make sure that is where she really was during that time.  

  13. I would think that either she isn't really working that late at night and going somewhere else to met a lover or she is continuing to cheat with the same co-workers while at work.

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