
What would you think if you got a gift from this site?

by  |  earlier

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Someone on here introduced me to a few months ago. How would you feel, as a bridesmaid, if I purchased something from there for you? Other than the fact it came from a bad relationship (most of the time) it allows me to spend the same amount I am planning on spending and getting you something of a potentially higher quality, and I get this out of someone's hands.

I'm thinking of getting designer purses/bags or similar, rather that something cheezy and personalized (literally) and then filling them with things they could use every day, rather than on my wedding day only.

If you don't like the idea.. what kind of stuff would you like?




  1. I think it's fine. You don't even have to tell them. What they don't know won't hurt 'em.

    I think if the gift was thoughtful and something they could use in their daily life, that's the best kind of gift there is!

    I agree, I hate the cliche "personalized heart bracelet" stuff. My two cousins (my BMs) have been in so many weddings and have gotten stuff like that. They've worn it all once: the day of the wedding, and never wore it again.

  2. I wouldn't care where you bought it.  I don't believe in cursed jewelry (my engagement ring has a beautiful diamond that belonged to my MIL before she divorced my FIL).

    Why even tell them where it's from?  They'll never know.

  3. I think it's a good idea. I don't know of anyone who would turn up their nose at someone who got a beautful gift for them, regardless of its origin. They don't need to know where it came from anyway.  

  4. you save money and get them something (most likely) nicer than you would be able to from another place.  They don't need to know where it came from.  If they ask tell them, but really they probably won't.

    THanks for introducing me to that site actually. lol

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