
What would you think if you saw a 14 year old girl holding a 3 year old in public?

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would you think she is the mother?




  1. No, i'd think sister or babysitter - but i was 14 when my younger sis was born and LOTS of people would come up to me when i was with her and say "you're too young to have a kid... or how old is your daughter" etc...

  2. i would think that she was babysitting a child or her younger sibling. i would not think she is the mother.

  3. Perhaps an older sister?

  4. It depends on how she was acting with the baby. I probably wouldn't, if there was an older woman with her...I'd probably assume the baby belonged to the older woman. Also, many people look younger than they really are...I'm 21, married and have an 8 month old baby, but many people have given me a hard time, thinking I'm 15 or 16.  She could be older than she looks.

  5. I would probably think it was her sibling or she was babysitting. I don't judge anyways.

  6. No, I would probably think she is a sister.

  7. I would think she was an older sister. I was 12 when my sister was born so I have been in the same type of circumstance, but you wouldn't believe how many people thought I was her mom. It would get me so frustrated to have to say to people

    "sister not daughter" It was constant so I am the first to think sister because I know what it feels like to be looked at and whispered about in public. Thanks

  8. That would mean that she was 11 when she had him, which is unlikely. I would assume she's the big sister or babysitter.

  9. Nope. I would think she was a friend, big sister, aunt, etc. When I was 14 my niece was 3. She was with me often.

  10. No, I would assume that she is the big sister.

  11. I would tell the 14 year old to put the 3 year old down, why would she be holding a 3 year old who can walk..she is too young to be portrayed as the mother, ew.

  12. i would think she was the big sister or babysitter


  13. where was the mother when this was going one

  14. no i would think its her little brother

  15. No..I would probably think she is a cousin or maybe even older sister.

  16. i would probably think she was baby sitting.. i don't know, i don't judge.

  17. No, I would probably first assume older sister.  That seems more likely than mother, and thus I'd be right more often than not.

    Note to Vanessa and Breezebaby... why do you assume the three-year-old is a male?  The question never stated such.

  18. Just by looking at you folks sometime you can not determine their age, Therefore, if you look like what I consider to be a 14yo,  I would say you are the sitter or a sibling.

  19. I would think she was either the babysitter or big sister.

    I am 15 and 16 years older than my little brother and sister.  When they were babies, lots of people thought I was their mother.

  20. I would think she must be about 18 or so because 3 yr olds are heavy and pretty tall too.,, so the 14 yr old  is big for her age carrying around a 3 yr old.

  21. It depends on how the 14 year old girl looked. If she looked like 14 year old girl or younger I would assume sibling or cousin, but if th 14 year old looked older, I would probably assume that she was the mother.

  22. babysitter or sister. When I was 18 I watched a couple 8/9 year olds and took them to the local cafe with their parents permission. The waitress there thought I was their mom. I admit it did look a little older than my age but not by that much! :)

  23. I would be more likely to think she was the babysitter but then again when i was 23 and had my first son I looked 16 and people thought my son belonged to my mom and i was just the big sister

  24. Yes, I would.

    But I live in Texas and it seems like all the teens are pregnant around here.

  25. I would think "what a sweet older sister."

    I know a handful of girls this age who are wonderful with younger sibs and neighborhood kids.

  26. ehh... im not sure

    at first i would probably think she was the mother but then that wouldnt make sense because she would have had to have the child at 11...

  27. No.  I'd think big sister or babysitter.

  28. she could b but u nevr kno it could b her brothr....

  29. I'm 14,and hold my two and three year old nieces in public.

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