
What would you think if you seen 2 parents yelling/fighting in front of their kids, &....?

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yelling/calling each other f*ck-face,/****** in a parking lot over money,etc. then they yell at their kids who looked like about 7-10 yrs old to get off their a s s & help! (I was at Shopko when I seen this-& I wonder how kids nowdays act in grade-school!)-Why do parents talk like that around their kids?




  1. When my son was 0-3, his father and I fought constantly.  At age 3 my son witnessed a name-calling fight.  We were both screaming and I called his dad a pu55y.  Well, my son then repeated "daddy's a pu55y."  I learned my lesson (and got a giggle).  I left his father and now everything is quiet.

  2. I think people just let their anger get the best of them and they don't think about what they are saying, doing, and the consequences of their actions. It doesn't make it right to talk to any one like that. Poor kids. Hopefully they have positive role models in their lives also.

  3. I can't tell you how I feel about such parents, ut I can assure you they are behind the rise in incidents of aggression between youngsters.

  4. I would feel really sad for those children.  And, for those parents, both of them wasting their lives in a relationship where they are not respected.  

    I hope the kids can break the cycle & find a better relationship themselves when they are grown.

  5. I think they are teaching their children how to yell and use foul language.

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