
What would you think if you walked inot my room and saw...?

by  |  earlier

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A 55 gallon fish tank as soon as you walk into the door, and saw a 55 gallon fish tank, a 5 and 3 gallon betta tank on my desk, and a 20 gallon hermit crab tank on my dressure. With multiple empty hamster cages and tanks in my closet.

What would you think?




  1. I would think:

    "Oh my gosh!! I'm in heaven!!!! FISHIES!!!!!" =D

  2. I would think you broke into my room and stole my stuff!

  3. i would think


    i have an axolotl tank a goldfish tank and a tropical community tank in my room

    plus a frog tank in the lounge

  4. My kind of gal!!

  5. I would think you like fish.  As long as you keep your closet closed, I think it would look awesome... maybe you should work on getting a water bed to add to the effect... ;^]

  6. i would think .... FISHIES!!!!! and then go up and press my nose to the glass and watch them

    hehe i love fishies

  7. you might want 2 have a job involving animals later in life, or you just like animals and can afford with time and money to keep up with them... or you torture animals... lol jk

  8. You love fish and I'd want to watch them swim around and around and around etc.. I like watching fish! lol

  9. that you are fishie lover..more love many fishies...enjoy...

  10. I would think I'd entered a mini zoo.

  11. I would think you're at my house. ;)

    90 gallon tank in the living room, 30 gallon tank in the computer room, 5 gallon hex tank on my desk, and a 55 gallon turtle tank in my bedroom. There's a couple of empty tanks in the closet as well... multiple tank syndrome is a dangerous disease!

  12. That would be great to have many fish tank and hamster case in the room. However, if that's your bedroom, that's not good for your health at all.

  13. i'd say, why are the hamster's cages empty? oh wait. this isn't my room. whew

  14. ill be like lets fight our fighin fish. (betta). for $$ lol and yea i have 15 fighin fish. all clean . and train to fight.  lmao

  15. i would ask you out i have a 55 as soon as you walk in my room too

  16. i would think you owned a Chinese buffet somewhere in town

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