
What would you think if your significant other...?

by Guest44716  |  earlier

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was interested in experimenting with ABF/an ANR with you? How would you react?




  1. are they new drugs?

  2. You need to state you question in a form or fashion that people can understand?? ABF ANR?? What does that mean? See my spell ck is even asking! lol

  3. I would have to say GDI and DTEO....huh??

  4. Don't know what that means, so I can't help. Sorry.

  5. well i love him enough to say yes, if thats what my man was into i would figure out a way to enjoy it as well:) good luck:) i hope that i helped:)

  6. Just as long as you don't tell people you did it with him.

  7. ABF? ANR?

    I would assume the initials stand for something. Care to spell out the actual word?? Those things could stand for a lot of things... like ABF is a trucking company...

  8. They why ask the question if you are not willing to spell it out for us?

    Are you afraid to say Adult Nursing Relationship (Suckling from the female breast as an expression of close intimacy and mutual tenderness. The relationship of both partners is based on equality and mutuality.) or Adult Breast Feeding (which involves the act itself).

    That said, if you and your partner are mutually agreed to it, then fine, as long as ground rules were set and there was a complete understanding of what it was all about.

    For the rest of you folks, you can go to this website for additional information

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