
What would you think of Kimbo pursuing pro boxing?

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alright, tonight we saw that Kimbo is an MMA fraud. At this point his fans probably lose alot of interest in his MMA abilities (i'm speculating). What would you think if Kimbo just pursued boxing? He can get in there close and throw some hard accurate punches and take some licks to. Is he in too poor of Cardio shape right now to even be an elite heavy weight boxer? or could he be one of the top 2 or 3 heavyweights out there?

How would you like to see a Butterbean Match up? look at Bean on youtube and he could definatly out brawl Tank abbott




  1. Yeah he can go fight Rocky lol

  2. I think he should go back to what he was doing.

    Making youtube videos of himself beating up bums in back alleys while his wigger manager screams "yea dawg, yea CP PRODUCTIONS yea yea" in the background!

    -die already

  3. I wouldn't call him a fraud. He IS 3-0, after all. That is in no way endorsing him as a top MMA athlete, Ferguson himself even admitted that he has a LOT more training and conditioning he needs to do. This was the first time that he has EVER been pushed past 3 minutes, and it was clear throughout a lot of the match that he was lost and didn't know what to do.

    He has heart, though, and he has instinct. He also took a h**l of a lot of physical abuse and showed almost NO physical damage. There is a lot of positives that he can build upon, and maybe within the next year he can become a lot more competent as an MMA fighter. He is now working with Ras Butten, and with this fight I am sure that even more experienced MMA fighters will be willing to jump into his camp to help bring him up to speed.

  4. he too slow. he cant keep up. hes a street fighter. he has no fundemental skills

  5. kimbo really does have bad cardio and i dont think he could handle the 8 rounds of pro boxing.

  6. He looked ready to pass out at the end of two 5 minute rounds. I don't think he could handle boxing.

  7. His cardio is a joke. He would be winded after 2 rounds and KO'd.

    Maybe he can be a boxer at a circus or something. But not a real boxer.

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